Friday, May 14, 2021

Mountain Man Rendezvous- Covid-19 day 425

 I had no idea what Mountain Man Rendezvous was until Giovanna brought me a paper from her teacher asking parents to volunteer on the annual MMR at school.

It turns out Mountain Man Rendezvous really existed in the past between 1825 and 1840 where trappers and mountain men would sell their furs and hides, and replenish their supplies.

The Rendezvous at Giovi’s school was so fun! Parents, students, and other volunteers dressed up as Indians, Pioneers, Mountain Men, and Cowboys.

The kids were able to participate in so many wonderful activities such as archery, candle making, log sawing, and much, much more!

We had a fun time, and the festivity ended just in time to pick up Bianca from Kindergarten. I am so glad I got to volunteer (and take some pictures too!). 

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