Monday, May 3, 2021

Mountains- Covid-19 day 412-414

I LOVE this time of the year when I wake up and go to bed listening to the birds sing (Yep. They chirp at nighttime too around 9).

Spring reminds me of renewal and second chances. It reminds me that even after a long winter, the green will reappear and flowers will bloom again.

Today, I came across President Nelson’s talk on this last General Conference about how we can move mountains in our lives through faith in Jesus Christ:

“Through your faith, Jesus Christ will increase your ability to move the mountains in your life, even though your personal challenges may loom as large as Mount Everest. 

Then he compares our faith to a growing mustard seed. The mustard seed doesn’t turn into a tree overnight, and so doesn’t our faith. Our faith should be constantly growing, every day, slow and steady. I love this though!

Then he finishes:

“Your growing faith in Him will move mountains—not the mountains of rock that beautify the earth but the mountains of misery in your lives. Your flourishing faith will help you turn challenges into unparalleled growth and opportunity”.

This talk speaks so much to my heart! Specially in these last few months when we’ve been going through so much.

I relate to every single paragraph of this talk- my personal growing faith throughout all these years here in the U.S, the miracles required to move some mountains in my own life, the Lord’s timetable, the Lord’s mercy, and so much more.

I love this gospel with all my heart. I love the knowledge I have that I am not alone. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are watching over me and my family. I can’t imagine my life without this knowledge.

And I know that with my growing faith mountains can be moved and miracles can and will happen in my life.

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