Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Tuberculosis- Covid-19 day 415

 A few weeks ago Ale was diagnosed positive for TB. He took some x-rays from his chest and fortunately his lungs are fine, which means he doesn’t have the disease, but still carries the latent TB infection.

I feel so bad for him! That poor soul seems never catch a break.

This week he started on rifampin, and we are anxious about the horrible side effects of the drug. Have I mentioned I feel so bad for him?

He’ll take the meds for the next four months, and during the treatment he will visit with a healthcare provider and do some more lab tests, specially because of the high level of ALT in his liver.

Maybe soon we will hear good news and have reasons to celebrate and put a big smile in this big guy’s face?

Let’s sure hope so. Fingers crossed and a prayer in our hearts! 

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