Tuesday, June 8, 2021

3.8- Covid-19 day 450

Today my plans of being in bed all day watching Chronicles of Narnia were changed when the bell rang around eleven.

It was Mindy, Mell, and the kids with balloons and plans for my afternoon. Ale stayed home working while they took me and the girls for lunch and shopping.

We ate at Dellicato Gourmet- a Brazilian restaurant, then we headed to Oldy Navy where the girls let me pick a bunch of cute outfits. It was so fun!

We came back home around 4:00, perfect timing to get ready to go to school. 

And speaking of school, I think being back in class is the best birthday gift I could ask for. I am finally doing something for myself in a long time. And I am loving it.

Thank you girls for the surprise, and thank you family and friends for showing your love through words and actions. I had a wonderful birthday because each one of you! 

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