Monday, June 21, 2021

Father’s Day weekend- Covid-19 day 461-463

On Saturday I woke up determined to reverse a camping site to take the girls over the Fourth of July weekend. Soo, our family is going camping on the second and coming back on the third just in time to celebrate our traditional Fourth with the Matutes.

Saturday afternoon Kelly brought the boys to swim. The girls were really excited since it is much more fun swimming with friends.

After pool and after they left, our family had dinner at Texas Roadhouse in celebration to Father’s Day on Sunday.

For Father’s Day we had a special home church when I shared a message from President Nelson about Father’s and their sacred role in raising and caring for His children:

No mortal father is perfect. I am not; neither was my father, nor his father before him. The scriptures are filled with true accounts of imperfect yet devoted and loving fathers who tried to do their very best, including Adam, Moses, Abraham, and others of the finest men who ever lived.

On this Father’s Day, I look with joy at my children, grandchildren, and ever-growing number of great-grandchildren. I am a personal witness of the multigenerational impact of a father who loves his children—and who loves the mother of his children.

There are few things more tender to children than the example of their caring father. What fathers say and do lasts forever in the hearts and minds of their children. Kindness, fidelity, honesty, patience, and devotion to God, country, and family are all defining characteristics of a righteous father.

Father’s Day is joyful for most but sorrowful for some. Gratefully, each of us can communicate with our Heavenly Father in prayer. He is never absent but is ever-welcoming. Our Heavenly Father is perfectly loving, perfectly understanding, and perfectly capable of helping us rise to meet any challenge we face. On this day, may we honor Him and strive to emulate His example, doing our very best, day after day”.

Then we watched to several videoclips from where the girls were babies, and some current ones of them and daddy. We laughed so hard. It was great! Such tender moments.

I also took the girls to the park to study the scriptures while Ale recorded a pre-interview for a company he is applying for (he needed absolute silence).

We read the Book of Alma, chapter 13, and we talked about Priesthood and blessings. The girls kept teasing each other throughout the study, and I decided to head back home before finishing it.

I wasn’t happy at.all.

Then I came across the words of President Holland:

“We get credit for trying, even if we don’t always succeed”.

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