Monday, July 5, 2021

Silver Lake- Covid-19 day 477

For Independence observed day we headed to American Fork Canyon with the Matutes.

 This was our first in Silver Lake Flat Reservoir. It was quite an adventure! I was so scared of going up in the canyon! I was certain that our mini van would not make it or we were going to fall from the steep steep road with all its rocks and switchbacks.

At some point my anxiety was so high I asked to head back home- "I don't want to do this anymore. I want to go home". Apparently, keep going up in the canyon is safer than turning around, so Mario Senior who was following us, let me and the girls drive with him in his truck. 

Fortunately, we got to the top safe and sound, and I promised myself (and the fam) I would never go back there again. But Silver Lake Flats is a beautiful place. I heard that there was more water in the past than there is now, which is sad. We do need rain.

The girls had fun with their friends, and we finally put our kayaks in the water. Mario also took the kids in his canoe to fish. We all had a great time!

Going down the canyon gave me the same anxiety. I seriously think people should consider paving that road and putting some guardrail. I'll go back there when that happens.

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