Monday, July 12, 2021

Twins with twins

At night my dad and Bianca went to dinner while my mom and I stayed  home. Giovanna and her mom played games and watched ‘Ainbo’. The games we played were bingo and headbands. I had fun last night. 

Bianca and my dad ate burgers and then got ice cream.  I wish I got ice cream. And then mom and Giovanna ate stroganoff. It is Brazilian, and every day I ask my mom to make it. 

And when they got back we finished the movie. My mom thought it was creepy. Then after the movie we brushed our teeth and we went to bed. It was 11.00pm. I was tired.

I woke up tired the next day. But I thought I wouldn't be tired but I still had fun. I went to the pool and we watched movies. And we got to sleep with our mom. It was a blast. My parents are the best. Me and my sister are lucky to have them.

By Giovanna 

* * * * * * * *

And your dad and I are lucky to have you and your sister, baby girl! I love you!

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