Monday, September 20, 2021

Braids- Covid-19 day 562

 This past weekend we celebrated Marito’s birthday and baptism. On Friday he became an official member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

I wish I was there to see it. But Ale and the girls went and represented me. I worked all day and couldn’t watch him getting baptized, but I managed to stop by after work to give him a hug (and have my hair braided lol- thanks Kells).

I was so tired and sad after working a 12 hour shift and after performing a post mortem care in one of our patients :(

Having my hair braided made me feel better. I LOVE when people play with my hair.

On Saturday we attended Marito’s birthday party. The theme was Legos and I feel so mad with myself for not taking any pictures!!!

It was so fun though. The kids played in the bounce house. Adults talked and relaxed. We all stuffed our faces with pizza and cake. It was perfect.

Today the girls had picture day, and I braided Giovanna’s hair. I love braids! I can’t wait to see their cute pictures.

Have a good week y’all.

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