Monday, November 29, 2021

The Pie and more- Covid-19 day 631

Our family works really hard during the week with work, school, homework, and daily chores. So on the weekend we deserve to have fun. This past Saturday our family met with the Matutes to eat delicious pizza from The Pie Pizzeria and play at Dave and Buster's in downtown Salt Lake.

Now that the girls are older they like going to the arcades. I remember when they were little, they never wanted me to put coins into the rides to make them move. They were so scared. 

My babies are growing.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Thanksgiving 2021- Covid-19 day 627

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am so grateful for my health and my family’s health. I am grateful for my job and for being able to start a new career in healthcare. It’s so exciting! I am grateful for the gospel. I love the knowledge I have of who I am, and my role on this earth.

I am grateful for a loving husband and beautiful children. They bring so much joy into my life. I am grateful for this wonderful country. I am proud to be a permanent resident of this great land.

I am thankful for my mom and my sister. They are my treasure on earth. I am also grateful for true friends in my life.

Heavenly Father loves me, and I feel His love and mercy every day.

This year I wasn’t able to celebrate Thanksgiving with the Matutes like we do every year. Since I was scheduled to work on Thanksgiving day, I asked if the Britos would like to have an early Thanksgiving feast. 

I am so glad they said yes. It was so fun! Thanksgiving is one of my favorite times of the year.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Encanto- Covid-19 day 626

 Today we went to the movies to watch the premiere of Encanto, the new Disney movie. 

From the movies we have watched from Disney Animation Studios, this has been our least favorite one so far. Ale and I thought it was boring, and so did the girls. Giovanna didn't like it very much, and Bianca only enjoyed one character from the movie- Bruno. We also agree that the soundtrack is a bit annoying.

Plus, the fact that the audio at Megaplex wasn’t working very well made everything worse. The sound was too low and we could barely hear what the characters were saying.

BUT we loved watching the trailer from the new upcoming SING 2. We are so excited for it!

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Turkey Trot- Covid-19 day 625

 Today was Turkey Trot at the girls’s school. Giovanna has never been a big fan of Turkey Trot, but she was okay with running this year since the school’s PTO announced that they were not going to make the run a competition.

This was Bianca’s first time participating in the turkey Trot. She wasn’t a big fan either, and complained a bit, but she ran/walked the eight laps. She did great!

After all grades had ran, the kids had snacks, then went back to class for a few more hours, before I picked them up to start on our Thanksgiving break.

Monday, November 22, 2021

Color me mine- Covid-19 day 624

 For a long time I’ve been planning to take the girls to Color Me Mine. Since the girls have been so good at school, I decided to do something special for them and take them there.

They each picked an art the wanted to paint. Bianca chose a narwhal, and Giovanna picked a reindeer. They are both really cute.

The girls did a great job painting them. I am so excited to see how they will turn out when we pick them up at the end of this week!

Friday, November 19, 2021

Sep Conference- Covid-19 day 621

 SEP Conference was great. I am never worried about what I am going to hear because the girls love school, they are respectful, and they work hard to learn.

Both Giovanna and Bianca have good grades, and I just heard good things about them as usual. I am so proud!

This weekend I will make sure to do something fun with them. They deserve it. :)

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Cartwheels- Covid-19 day 620

Last summer Giovanna made a goal to learn how to do cartwheels. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to help her to much since I was never able to do it myself growing up.

Today while watching her at gymnastics I was so impressed by how well (and fast) she learned the cartwheels. She loves gymnastics, and she is so good at it!

Bianca wants to start gymnastics too. But first, she wants to go back to horseback riding. After Shauna, her instructor, left to Payson we couldn’t find anyone else to teach her. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Dear Bianca- Covid-19 day 619

 Dear Bianca,

I just want you to know today you prepared snacks for me to take to work. I also want you to know you are so loving and you show it through simple actions of kindness.

I love your huggies, your kisses, your drawings, and your delicious snacks. I love absolutely everything about you, filha!

Love, mom. 

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Dentist appointment- Covid-19 day 618

 Today was Giovi’s turn to have her teeth checked and cleaned. She has no cavities. Yay!

She also got x-rays done, and both of her canines are angled, which means she will have to visit the orthodontist again. Her dentist wants to make sure if it’s something that needs to be taken care of right away, or if it can wait.

Two years ago she had five baby teeth pulled out to free space for permanent ones to grow. With that being said, I really do hope the orthodontist will say her mouth has enough space for her canines to come into place.

Monday, November 15, 2021

The Little Mermaid- Covid-19 day 617

 Movie time and snuggles with my baby girl while big sissy is at a birthday party.

Have you watched the 2018 The Little Mermaid? Cute!

Friday, November 12, 2021

Little things- Covid-19 day 614

I found a little snack bag filled with treats in my bag I take to work. Giovanna had secretly put it in there for me to enjoy during my hard, long night shift at the hospital.

I love how thoughtful she is. What a big, beautiful heart she was born with! I am a lucky mama.

Then Bianca was sad because she hadn’t made a picture for me to take to work. I cheered her up by taking with me one of the thousands pictures she draws for me every day. I told her I would tape it on my station.

I am so grateful every day for my babies, and the family I have. Little things like this make life worth living. 

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Gymnastics- Covid-19 day 613

 Giovanna’s loving gymnastics and she looks forward to Thursday when she has class.

It’s incredible how fast she is learning, and all the amazing things she can do already.

I think it’s amazing how Giovanna thrives in everything she sets her heart and mind to. I am so proud of her!

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Crazy hair fail- Covid-19 day 612

This week is Red Ribbon Week at the girls’s school. Today is crazy hair day. Giovanna asked for an octopus on her hair. I tried my best to turn her hair into an octopus, BUT I had no idea how to add the googly eyes.

Bianca wanted the same hair, but after my epic fail, I suggested her to have something else done on her hair. So I did a ponytail and I used several pipe cleaners of different colors and wrapped around her ponytail. It looked really cute, but I am not sure about crazy.

I am good at many things. Getting hair done is definitely not one of them. 

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Provo Beach- Covid-19 day 611

Last Saturday we had dinner at Seven Brothers, then we let the girls play at the Provo Beach. It was the first time I actually bought a pass for them to play there. They’d usually walk around, then leave.

With the pass they were able to pick two activities each to play. Giovanna wanted to try the ropes, while Bianca and Ale played . I watched Giovi as she slowly overcame her fears and started spontaneously move from one side to the other.

Then they played at the arcades and played a little more. After a couple of hours of fun we still left the place with credit to come back another time. 

I honestly never thought Provo Beach could be this affordable and fun. We are sure coming back soon.

Monday, November 8, 2021

Jamba Juice- Covid-19 day 610

Jamba Juice on a Monday because we love it and deserve it!

Flavors: Mango-a-go-go and apple ‘n greens. 


Thursday, November 4, 2021

Halloween 2021- Covid-19 day 607

I love Halloween. And I love that I have kids in the house so we can enjoy all fun festivities, and trick-or-treat. Since Halloween fell on a Sunday this year, we trick-or-treated the Saturday before (which was perfect since I was scheduled to work on Halloween day).

We trick-and-treated with the Matute family as usual. Bianca was Uma from Descendants, and Giovanna was Hermione from Harry Potter. (Giovi is into Harry Potter now, and I love it!).

They got a whole year worth of candies. Then after trick-or-treating we surprised Giovanna with a party for her 11th birthday.

Giovi turns 11 Part II- Covid-19 day 606

Last year Giovanna decided she didn’t want me to plan birthday parties for her anymore. She still wants to celebrate her birthday with a dine out with just the four of us.

BUT that doesn’t mean I can’t plan a surprise birthday party for her. Sooo, on Saturday we headed to Lehi to Trick or Treat with the Matutes, like we do every year.

While the kids were all out trick or treating, I decorated a Hogwarts themed cake table for Giovi. Then we made sure Ale and the girls stayed behind while the rest of the group rushed to the house to hide to surprise Giovanna.

When Giovi opened the door, everybody yelled Surprisee. It was so fun! She was so shy at first, but then she told me she loved it.

We love you princess!