Monday, November 1, 2021

Doctor appointment- Covid-19 day 604

Today Giovanna had her 11 year old doctor appointment. This was the first time I felt that little knot in my heart with the realization that my baby Giovi is growing and things are changing.

Once we got to the doctor’s office the front desk lady handed me two forms to be filled out- one by me, one by Giovanna. Giovi’s form had quite few depression and anxiety related questions.

During the appointment, her pediatrician asked questions directly to her, and even asked Giovi if she wanted me and her sister step out of the room before starting physical exam.

I confess I wasn’t ready of any of it. I am not ready for my kids to grow just yet. And I’ve been struggling. BUT, obviously, I won’t let my feelings get in the way of teaching my girls all they need to know to grow healthy and become intelligent, driven women.

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