Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Giovi turns 11 Part I- Covid-19 day 605

 Giovanna had a busy and fun birthday weekend. I like to call her special day “birthday season” since we have several events to attend to and also plan.

On Friday, Giovanna woke up with breakfast in bed and a happy birthday song from me, Bianca, and Ale (who recorded a video before leaving for work).

She also had Halloween parade at school, and Halloween party in her class afterwards. They sang happy birthday to her, and she passed out some delicious sugar cookies.

I volunteered to play a game with the kids. It was so fun getting to know her classmates! They are so cute and nice. I’ll be posting all about it. 

After school, I took the girls to the Orem Rec Center to swim for a couple of hours, before coming back home to start cooking for our traditional Halloween dinner.

Around six Ale arrived from work, and short after Mindy, Tales, and the girls along with Mell and her kids. I cooked Olive Garden for dinner (per Giovi’s request), and I set up a beautiful Halloween table for Giovi’s guests.

Then we played games, danced Halloween songs, and sang happy birthday (for what? Third time?). She opened presents, and The Britos slept over.

The next day we headed to Krispy Cream to have donuts, then to Texas Roadhouse later on for lunch. In the evening, we drove to Lehi to trick-or-treat with the Matutes. We also had a little surprise for Giovi (more on that later).

I love you forever baby girl. Happy birthday!

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