Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Halloween Parade- Covid-19 day 607

 I am so happy the school decided to move forward with Halloween Parade and Class party this year, after Carnival was cancelled duo Covid-19.

Bianca dressed up as Uma from Descendants (same as Giovi’s last year). And Giovanna dressed up as Hermione from Harry Potter.

After the parade, I left sugar cookies at Bianca’s class, and I headed to Giovi’s class to help with their Halloween party.

I planned a game to play with the kids called candy dice. Each number from the dice represented one action. I had a pile of M&Ms bags in the center of the table. Every time they rolled the dice and got certain number, they had to either pick a bag of candy, or steal it from a friend, or return the bag, and so forth.

I also added “tell something nice about the person on your right” as an action. It was so cute seeing them complimenting one another.

It was really fun. I love volunteering at the girls’s school. Giovanna came back home the next day saying her friends had told her that her mom was so cool. Haha 


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