Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Steven Adler- Covid-19 day

Ale won two free tickets for Steven Adler concert here in Utah. He was selected by Kber 101 radio station after leaving a comment on their Facebook page on why he deserved to win the tickets.

It was a fun night. I don’t really like (or know) Steven Adler- former Guns ‘n Roses drummer, BUT I like any reason to go on a date with my gordinho.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Park with vovó- Covid-19 day 750

 “Let’s go to the park, vovó!”

Does anyone believe vovó Zete is turning seventy next week?

Bottom line: Bianca is six and heavy!!!

Monday, March 28, 2022

Surprise from Brazil- Covid-19 day 749

Today we got gifts from titia Carol. She ordered beautiful customized hats for each one of us. Each hat has our own names on it, and they each come in a beautiful beach bag my mom made.

We were supposed to take them (and match) in Mexico. But unfortunately, our family reunion over there to celebrate our mama’s 70th birthday won’t happen.

It turns out Mexico is not a safe place to visit right now. But, we will definitely wear these beautiful hats wherever we decide to go. 

Thank you titia Carol. We are so excited to wear them! We are going to look wonderful.

Friday, March 25, 2022

Weekend here I go!- Covid-19 day 746

 I am so ready for the weekend, specially after working three nights in a row at the hospital.

My plans? Sleep, eat, and play.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

One last time- Covid-19 day 743

 One last time before our Orem Recreation Center membership expires. 

 Should I renew it?

Monday, March 21, 2022

Descendants: The musical- Covid-19 day 742

 I was so excited to take the girls to watch Descendants: The musical at Scera last Saturday. That was the first time the girls watched an actual play. They loved it.

Remember when I threw a Descendant’s themed party for Giovanna’s seventh birthday?

After the play, we took pictures with the characters. They are all so young and talented! I wish they’d have let me record a bit of it.

Friday, March 18, 2022

Scout- Covid-19 739

 Scout is doing so much better. I am so relieved! I bought a shampoo instead of sand to give him a bath. I thought sand would make him even more itchy.

I washed his tank and toys with warm water and soap, and I let it air dry. I changed his bedding, and gave him fresh water and food.

I sprayed the shampoo all over him, except on his face, then I massaged his tiny, fluffy body. When his fur got wet, I was able to see his skin better, and fortunately it was intact with no scabs on it.

After bathing him, we played and he rolled in his ball for some exercising. He is feeling and acting so much better. I am so happy! I was so scared to lose him.

I told the girls they need to take a better care of him, otherwise we won’t have pets anymore, and won’t be able to get a dog and we move to a house.

I think (hope) they learned a lesson.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Scouty Boo- Covid-19 day 737

 Our sweet Scout is not feeling himself. Yesterday he started to make a squeaky sound, like he was crying. It was so sad! I have never heard him make such a sound.

He is also itching a lot, which is making him super uncomfortable and agitated. He is definitely not acting himself. He’s been aggressive and secluded in his little house.

Today I found something that looks like an abscess on the right side of his belly. I am doing a little research to see ointments and solutions I can use to help him before I take him to the vet.

Poor Scouty Boo! We love him so much and it is so sad to see him like this.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Never grow up- Covid-19 day 736

Bianca surprised me with some delicious snacks in my purse. A couple of days ago I heard her saying she was preparing some snacks for me to take to work.

Today I found a small container with sliced “bananas” and “strawberries”, and a little wooden spoon. It was the cutest thing. I love she is still my little girl who does things like this. 

Please, don’t grow up sweet Bianca.

Monday, March 14, 2022

School break- Covid-19 day 735

The girls have been free from homework and other school responsibilities for the past five days due snow make up day and teacher’s compensation days.

I was so glad for being able to do something fun with them even though I was working four days out of the five they had off. We took them to the bounce house and bowling. Then they had friends over, and a sleepover at their best friend’s house.

Giovanna’s been feeling a little under the weather with fever and cough. Today I woke up feeling ache and unwell. I think I probably got something from her.

We tested her for Covid-19 and it was negative. Testing for Covid got a lot easier since families in the U.S started receiving free at-home tests. Bianca, Ale, and vovó Zete are feeling fine.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

State Fair- Covid-19 day 730

 For the past several weeks Giovanna has been working on her State report. A while ago she was able to pick an U.S state to learn about and work on a project to be presented on a State Fair at school.

She picked Massachusetts as her state, and I loved it since I was able to help her with information and pictures from when Ale and I lived there.

Today she finally got to present her project to family, students, and teachers. She made a poster with pictures, maps, and fun facts about Massachusetts. She also made a power point presentation all by herself.

She worked so hard on this State report. I am so proud of her! And most importantly she is so proud of herself! Way to go baby girl! 

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Snow- Covid-19 day 729

I feel like we are getting less and less snow falls each year. It is sad. I am not a big fan of snow or winter overall, but sometimes it is fun to go out and play in the white, fluffy snow.

This past Sunday it snowed enough for us to get excited to play outside. I got my mom and Giovanna (Bianca wanted to stay home), and off we went. We have a perfect small hill in the park right behind our condominium. The girls love sledding there.

The weather was nice, and we were the only ones there. We took lots of fun pictures, played for about one hour, then we headed back home for hot cocoa.

Monday, March 7, 2022

Friendship- Covid-19 day 728

 This past weekend we invited Giovi’s friend from school, Eyring, to go swimming with us. We headed to Orem Rec Center and spent a couple of hours there. The girls had a blast.

After swimming, we had a delicious meal (and dessert) at my favorite spot- Leatherby’s.

Giovi and Eyring are becoming best buddies. They always call each other after school, and I can hear giggles and laughs going on for hours if I let them.

 One of these days I caught they singing along with YouTube karaoke videos from Disney movies. This is probably one of the things I really like about their cute friendship- they like the same things, and they act like kids they are.