Monday, August 22, 2022


Guess who needs glasses?

Well, technically I’ve always needed glasses because of my stigmatism, but it’s been years since I wore glasses. But I’ve been having headaches and feeling a sharp pain right on top of my eyes lately.

 Last week I had an appointment with the ophthalmologist, and it turns out my eyes are tired, specially after a twelve hour night shift where I spend a good amount of time on the computer charting patients.

My eyes are also dry. And the tendency is to get even dryer with Accutane. I should use eye drops at least five times a day from now on.

Also, a while ago I noticed a white bump in both of my eyes, although it’s more noticeable on my left one. It turns out I have pterygium due a long term exposure to UV light, which, unfortunately, makes sense because I never really wore sunglasses.

It’s crazy to think the sun has damaged my skin and eyes this way. I LOVE sun, and now I can’t leave the house without proper protection, and absolutely no basking in the sun. 

At least now I have an excuse to accessorize my outfits with fun hats and sunglasses.

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