Wednesday, September 7, 2022


A little background-

I’ve been struggling with adult acne for a couple of years now. During these last two years I’ve been trying different creams, face washers, and even oral medication my dermatologist has prescribed.

These things really helped improve my skin until it didn’t anymore. My skin got progressively worse, specially after I started wearing a mask for straight 12 hours at the hospital. 

Unfortunately, I am in a point where I feel extremely embarrassed with my acne, and I don’t feel like leaving the house, or seeing people. And, although I know acne is not the end of the world, it’s been really affecting my self esteem. 

I mean… I am 39!!! Not supposed to struggle with acne anymore.


On my most recent visit to the dermatologist, he suggested we started on Isotratim, known as Accutane.

After he told me all the rules I had to strictly follow, and all the side effects of this medication, I knew it would be a big commitment. I needed a few days to think about it, specially after recently being diagnosed with skin cancer.

It took me a couple of months to decide, but I finally started my Accutane journey beginning of August.

Side effects-


Accutane makes you DRY! All.the.time. Dry lips, dry eyes, dry skin.


Because everything is so dry, it’s been causing my arms, ears, and head to flake, but mostly my arm. So if you are wondering if you’ve developed dandruff, the answer is no. It’s just from your scalp being too dry. 


For me, this has been the worse so far. I have sores on the corner of my mouth that are painful! It’s painful to talk, to eat, and don’t even start me on yawning. Boy it hurts!


I’ve been also itching on my jaw line, neck, arms and head. Doctor said itching is not very common, but it can happen because of dryness.

Bad skin

Ironically, my skin got worse. I have acne everywhere, including my neck. Doctor also said it is normal on the first months of Accutane. 

Sensitive skin

My skin is definitely more sensitive. I get cuts easily just by bumping into things. I also get burned really easily if exposure to the sun.


A few things I am using right now to help me navigate through these annoying side effects are a good, heavy concentrated moisturizer (not lotion), lip balm (I have several everywhere in the house and in my purses from different brands), and eye drops. Also, I’ve been conditioning my scalp, which I never did before because my hair’s been always oily.

Today I had an appointment with my dermatologist. I will be entering my second month of Accutane. He suggested Cortibalm for my lips, and vinegar for the sores on the corner of my mouth to clean the yeast that usually builds on and prevent sores from healing.

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