Thursday, September 1, 2022

Goodbye Scouty Boo

Today is a sad day. We lost our Scouty Boo.

I worked last night and I was catching up on my sleep when Ale woke me up to say Scout was not okay.

I found him laying on the side trying to lay on his back. When I took him out of the cage he was cold to the touch. I grabbed him and kept him on my chest for one hour to warm him up.

His breathing was first shallow, then fast, then shallow again. I left him with Ale to pick up the girls from school. He held Scouty Boo until his last breath.

When we got there he had already crossed the rainbow bridge. We are all deeply sad. Our little hamster brought so much joy into our family.

We carefully placed him in a tiny box full of bedding that we had just bought for his cage, then we buried our Scout with the flowers by our porch.

He is still close. He will always be.

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