Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Giovi turns 12

Oh my, oh my! I can't believe Giovanna turned TWELVE!

Every year now when her birthday is approaching she is not sure if she wants a big party or not. But after seeing me working on her sister's birthday party a couple of months before hers, she ends up changing her mind and deciding for a party.

This year she wanted a Halloween bash. She was so excited to wear her new Maleficent costume! I invited our friends and her friends from school. Everybody wore their costumes too. I love this time of the year. It is so fun.

I decorated the party with everything we had home. It was one of the easiest parties I have planned so far. Mindy made the background with all the balloons. 

We played games, danced, and had a lot of delicious treats. I am so glad Giovi decided to have a birthday party!

Happy birthday beautiful Giovanna. You are getting so big and we are so proud of who you are becoming! You are kind and loving. We are so lucky to have you in our lives!

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