Monday, October 31, 2022

Halloween 2022

When the girls ask me for something I always try my best to give it to them. I usually say they won’t be kids forever. Before we know it they will fly out of the nest.

This year Giovanna wanted to be Maleficent for Halloween. I was planning to improvise a costume for her, and make a staff out of pool noodles. But like I said, they won’t be kids forever, so I decided to buy a nice Maleficent costume for her.

It wasn’t cheap. I paid way more than I would like for a kid’s costume, but Giovanna was SO happy, and she looked absolutely perfect!

I also bought an official costume from Disney store for Bianca. She wanted to be Audrey from Descendants. The costume is really pretty. I dyed her hair pink and I curled it. I also made her a crown, since the real one was too tight and it would hurt her head. She also looked so good!

We did trick or treating in Lehi with the Matute family as usual. It was a cold night, but we were able to warm up with delicious soup and hot cocoa a family was offering for the trick-or-treaters.

It was a fun night, and the girls got tons of candies.

Happy Halloween! 

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