Sunday, January 29, 2023

Glow golfing

This past Saturday our family went to Fat Cats in Lehi. They have a fun glow in the dark golfing course. It is a short course, but really fun. The kids really like it. 

I am still keeping my promise of "no homework on Saturdays" so we can enjoy our time as a family. I knew it would be hard to be there 100%  for the girls while in school, so I set some ground rules to myself before starting the admission process to not let my studies come first in my life.

My family and my faith in Jesus Christ will always come in first place. 

Monday, January 23, 2023


This past Sunday Giovanna and her friends from Young Women were invited to participate on the pre-recording of the worldwide devotional for youth with Elder Gong. 

I can't believe how big Giovanna is getting. I am so proud of her. She is kind and loves the gospel of Jesus Christ. She is growing up to be a wonderful young lady. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Avatar: The way of water

Studying has been keeping me busy. I knew it would be like that even before I started nursing school. But I also knew I was going to try my best to spend quality time with my family, especially with the girls. Every week I work really hard to finish all my assignments by Friday, so I am free to enjoy Saturday with them, since I work on Sundays.

Last Saturday our family went to the movies to watch the new Avatar. After debating possible headaches and anticipating some fear, we decided to watch it in 3D. It turned out to be the best choice. It definitely made the movie more interesting.

Avatar 2 is good, but LONG. Three hours and twelve minutes to be precise. I was so surprised the girls watched the entire thing without complaining. Of course, snacks and guarana played a big role in keeping them quiet. But I wouldn't take them again for a possible Avatar 3.

Thursday, January 12, 2023

First week

 First week of class and I am like this:

Nursing school here we go!

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Big girl 2

 Guess who is old enough to participate in activity days? 

I am so excited for Bibi. Activity days is the best! Giovanna loved her time there. I am sure Bianca will enjoy it too. Time is flying and my babies are getting soo big. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Ava turns four

Happy birthday beautiful Ava!

Monday, January 9, 2023

Big girl

 Yesterday Giovanna received her certificate of advancement from Primary to Young Women.

Seeing her grown and achieving milestones have been so rewarding and scary. She is growing fast, and I hope I am doing enough to make sure she grows into a loving, caring, faithful, strong young lady. 

Monday, January 2, 2023

Welcome 2023

 Happy New Year! 

This year we celebrated New Year's Eve with the Brito family. We usually ring in the new year with the Matutes, but since we celebrated Christmas eve with them, we thought it would be fun to be with the Britos this time. 

We had food, drinks, treats, and a lot of fun. The kids had a blast playing and dancing together.

May 2023 bring joy, peace, and success to all of us.