Thursday, March 30, 2023

Country Fair

Today Giovanna participated in the Country Fair at her school. She presented Portugal, and she did a great job with her power point slides and board. 

She displayed the beautiful dolls titia Carol sent from her trip to Portugal, and she wore the traditional Portuguese apron I improvised for her. She looked so cute!

Other grades were allowed to go, so Bianca was able to see her big sissy and learn about Portugal.

I love these school fairs!

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Decorating for Easter

 Today I finally found time to decorate the house for Easter. Bianca helped me by filling up our chicks with “treats”. She placed some high chews, carrots, and eggs in them.

Remember when little Giovi used to fill them up with granola bars? Little kids are the best!! 

On Sunday the girls will be heading to St George with Mindy for Spring break. We will meet them there on Wednesday, and we will probably celebrate Easter there too. 

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

6th grade chorus

The 6th graders performed a chorus for school and parents today. As end of school year approaches, my heart aches. I can’t believe this is Giovanna’s last year in elementary, and soon she will become a middle school student. 

My heart also aches because she is going back to the district. I really wanted her to keep studying in a charter school, but she bagged me not to go to Maeser. All her friends were going to the same school, so I agreed it would be nice to see some familiar faces.

Monday, March 20, 2023

St. Patrick's Day 2023

 I've been studying and working so much I barely have time to breath. It's been very tiring working, studying, and being a wife and mother full time. I feel like I've been pulling from every side. It's been challenging, but I am so grateful for being able to it all. I know it will be worth it.

Last Saturday I made time to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. Bianca was remembering last time we celebrated it, and I realized it was time to do something fun with the girls again. I planned a rainbow themed breakfast, and the girls planned some games for us to play.

It was so fun, and I felt like a good mother again. Since I started school, I haven't been able to do as much as I used to with the girls, and that hurts me. A lot. But it won't be like this forever, plus I am doing a good job getting all schooling done during the week so we can enjoy the weekend together. It's been working great so far. 

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Bianca loses her 7th tooth

 Today Bianca came back from school straight to the bathroom. She wiggled her top left tooth and just like that it came out.

We’ve been talking to her about being nice (specially to her sister) and controlling her temper. Some days are better than the others. Today wasn’t the best one, and because of that I don’t think Tooth Fairy is coming tonight.

But that is okay. We will try tomorrow again.

We love you Bibi! 

Monday, March 6, 2023

Field Trip

 On a very cold Thursday morning, I followed Bianca's school bus to the Loveland Living Planet aquarium in Draper. She was so excited for this field trip!

I was so happy I was able to volunteer as a chaperone. Bianca is still in that phase when kids love when their parents volunteer at school. And I love that!

I remember when Giovanna wanted me to be part of the  PTO, because I was always there volunteering anyways. Ha! 

Oh how I miss those days!

But I am lucky. She still appreciates when I volunteer for her activities too.