Friday, August 9, 2024

Lindon Days 2024

My visiting teacher is so great and she is constantly checking on us and offering help. This week she picked up the girls twice to take them to the festivities in Lindon while I was working and studying for my finals. They watched the Lindon Jr Rodeo and watched a movie in the park.

Today, I was able to take the girls to the Grand Parade. It's been so long since I took them to a parade, I forgot how fun it is! Bianca loved it, and I felt bad for not taking her to festivals as much as I used to take Giovanna when she was Bibi’s age.

 Bianca watched the whole thing, got (and ate) lots of candy, and said she wants to watch it again next year. I love she is still young enough to enjoy these simple things. 

Giovanna was happy to see her friends from Timpanogos. One of her good friends is little miss Lindon, and we were excited to see her again since her family recently moved to American Fork.

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