Thursday, September 12, 2024

Orthodontist- Bianca

 I took Bianca to two different orthodontist to have her teeth checked. I got two different answers. One of them suggested have her remove five teeth and wait, while the other one suggested braces. I really like both offices, now it is just a matter of deciding which way to go. 

I talked to Ale and we both think having her put braces might be the best option, specially because we went through the same thing with Giovanna (remember when she removed five teeth?), and now she needs braces and possibly surgery. 

With the treatment Bianca will have to wear an expander and braces to open up space for the permanent teeth come in. Then the second phase of the treatment will be to make sure her bite is correct and her teeth aligned. She is not excited about it, but at least she will be all done before Junior High. 

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