Wednesday, September 26, 2018

LDS General Conference

The General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints will be held on the first weekend of October. At this time all members of the church have the opportunity to hear through modern prophets and revelators what the Lord wants to speak to His church. It is also a time to have questions answered and receive guidance.

Every year leaders suggest to write down all concerns, questions and desires of our hearts and watch General Conference with spirit of prayer to have them addressed by the Lord. 

This year I've written a few things I need answers for and I've been in need of for a while now. He knows each of them, and as much as I understand the Lord's time is perfect, I need some assurances like... now! Heavenly Father has talked to me through His servants before, I know He can and will do it again as long as I keep my spiritual ears attentive and my heart open.

General Conference is my favorite time of the year. I love the fact I can watch it at home. I love the spirit it brings to our home. I feel like it is the time our home is blessed and nourished for the following six months when Conference happens again. And because General Conference is so special to me, I am trying to come up with a tradition so my children can look forward to Conference too.

I also wanted a tradition we could hold no matter how old my kids are, so I came across with this fun idea: Ice Cream Sundae. After the last session of Sunday Conference our family will enjoy our favorite treat with lots of delicious toppers to choose from! I am sure the kids will love this new tradition!

On Monday before General Conference weekend I will introduce the girls their General Conference kit, and they can only open it on the first session of Saturday. That way they will be excited for Conference (and curious) all week long. Each kit consists in activities and their favorite treats as well.

This year the girls will be using this activity pack by Heap a Hoopla during Conference. 

General Conference live viewing options and time HERE.

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