Wednesday, October 10, 2018

General Women's Meeting

This year my oldest daughter Giovanna attended the General Women's Meeting with me for the first time. In our church sisters eight years and older are invited to participate in the women's session of the Conference throughout the world.

Since Giovanna will be turning eight this month, I took her to Salt Lake to watch to her very first women's session at the Conference Center. She was so excited! I was excited too for having her by my side. I am grateful for the gospel in our lives, and for the beautiful young women she is becoming.

We didn't really have tickets for the session, so we decided just to drive there and ask for whoever had extra ones. I confess I drove all the way praying for parking spot and tickets. Once we got there it wasn't easy to find a parking space since all church parking lots were full (and the traffic wasn't helping), but I think Heavenly Father listened to my prayer and He was leading us to a specific place and time, because as soon as I parked the car a lady right in front of us was getting out of her car. I felt prompted to ask if she had extra tickets, which (for my surprise) she replied with a YES! Two of them, for me and Giovanna.

I was so happy and grateful Heavenly Father had listened and promptly answered to my humble prayer. We didn't even need to hold the signs Ale had made for us earlier that day.

The session was beautiful. The seats were perfect, and Giovanna was able to see everything without moving to the sides. She listened. She took notes. I was so proud! Everybody smiled at her and asked how old she was. It was a great night. After the session we had dinner at Panda Express, her favorite.

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