Thursday, November 7, 2019

Doctor appointment

Both girls had annual checkup with Dr. Viera yesterday. They both got shots and Giovanna also had to draw some blood to test three different types of Thyroid.

Giovanna has always had what we call baby fat around her neck, but her pediatrician likes to keep an eye on it and asks for lab tests every year.

Her “baby fat” has been improving over the years- we can barely see it, and her lab test results keep coming back normal, but it’s good to be on top of it.

Dr. Viera also suggested an endocrinologist visit and a bone study age to determine Giovanna's growth since she hasn't grown much this past year. We love Dr. Viera. She has known my girls their entire life.

Bianca is a little overweight, but it’s not reason for concern. I just need to make sure she waits the right time to eat. And I will also enroll her in a dance class. Now she is four she can join a ballet class.

Last year I texted the ballet instructor to see if Bianca could join them, but she needed to be four at the time she started, so we needed to wait a little longer.

After the appointment we drove to North Salt Lake to spend the day with Mindy and the girls. I canceled all my commitments and Mindy checked out Claire from school so the kids could play. It was a perfect October kinda day! The girls played outside, we talked, and we baked cake and brownies.

I REALLY needed to step out a little and have a free day of obligations. I came back home energized. I recently visited with two different doctors to have a few things checked and they both said the cause of my symptoms is stress and anxiety, so I am glad we got to spend the day together and relax.

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