Friday, August 29, 2014

7 de Setembro

In about a week Nostra Famiglia will be celebrating Brazil's Independence Day. I'm so excited and full of ideas! If things work out the way I'm planning it can become a great tradition for our family. We will be doing some fun activities, cooking, painting, and coloring.

Here are some ideas I am using to teach Giovanna about 7 de Setembro:

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Moms are gift from heaven

Today I called my mom and I cried like a little girl.

 I cried because I miss all my family in Brazil.
I cried because of the uncertainties of the future.
I cried because things seem not to be happening the way I wished.
I cried because sometimes I feel lonely and lost.
And I cried because I am unable to feel happiness and peace in my heart.

My mom always knows what to say to make me feel better. I am grateful for her in my life. And I am grateful for being a mom myself and having the opportunity to also always be there for my children. 

Moms are a very special gift from Heavenly Father.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Ride to freedom- O.U.R

That's what's been happing in the world. I feel sad and disgusted. Let's please be careful with our own children, and let's be instruments to help those in need.

Take a few moments to watch this video and HELP.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Museum of ancient life

Today Giovanna and I headed to Thanksgiving Point to visit the Museum of Ancient Life. I wanted to also visit the Gardens and the new museum of curiosity, but we got there around Giovi's nap time and she was super tired already.

Even tired, she had a lot of fun. Her favorite part was the blocks the kids were using to build tall, complex buildings, with windows and all. 

Giovi built one too, but she started crying when a little boy came and knocked all her hard work down. Then I knew it was time to leave.

Before heading home we had lunch at Olive Garden, Giovi's favorite restaurant.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Preschool Photo shoot

Giovanna started Preschool three weeks ago and she is loving it! Because she has to wake up early sometimes she gets there a little grumpy, but every time I pick her up she runs to me with a big smile and very excited. I can tell she had a good day.

First day of school has always been a big deal in my family. My mom, my sister and I used to do back-to-school shopping together. Then my mom would sew new clothes for us and buy new sneakers at DIC. I am not sure if the store still exists, but I remember we used to get a ball with the purchase of each shoe, and we loved it. Plus the shoes smelled like bubblegum.

Years later I still keep this little tradition and make a fuss about school year! We bought a new backpack and new outfits for Giovanna. On the first day of Preschool I took her for a special lunch and gave her a gift. I think is important to make the first day (and last) of school special.

I also had promised myself I would do a little photo shoot session to celebrate her first day of preschool, but I just had time today. Look how cute her pi

Thursday, August 21, 2014

An evening in downtown

If we ever leave Utah I will sure miss the busy life of main street, the sunset at the Capitol, the beautiful flowers of Temple Square, the farmer's market at Pioneer Park, the festivals at Library Square, the Trax, the City Creek.

Last weekend we had a special dinner at Texas de Brazil at City Creek. Then we took Giovanna for a ride on the "choo choo train" (that's how she calls the Trax). Every time we go to City Creek she wants to ride the trax. Thanks goodness it wasn't rush hour.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The day Giovanna caused a blackout

Today Giovanna was determined to test my patience. In the morning she got her markers and colored her both hands. I'm still having a hard time to figure out what marker she used because although all of them are washable, I couldn't get it to come off.

In the afternoon she ran to me apologizing for the fireworks. Since I had no idea what she was talking about I didn't really pay much attention until I found out the TV, internet, lights, and outlets weren't working.

THEN I found a piece of metal hanger stuck in one of the outlets. Giovanna had stuck the hanger into the outlet which caused a short-circuit (that she calls fireworks).

She is doing fine, and the lights are back on.
She also had a major time-out.

Friday, August 15, 2014


Can you see the rainbow? I took this picture on our way to Orem yesterday. Every time I see a rainbow I remember the story of Noah and God's covenant with him.

 And God said, This is the token of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations:
  I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth.

 And it shall come to pass, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the bow shall be seen in the cloud:

  And I will remember my covenant, which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh; and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh.
(Genesis 9:12-15). 

My mom used to tell us this story when we were kids. It's been always one of my favorite stories in the bible. Every time I see a beautiful rainbow in the sky it strengthens my testimony the scriptures are true. God talked to Noah and made a covenant with him as He talks to us and make covenants with His sons and daughters today.

He lives. He loves us. He loves me.
I know it. I can feel it.

Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Mechaella & Stephen’ wedding

Our friends Mechaella and Stephen are now Mr and Ms Arbon. They had a beautiful reception at Sleepy Rigde. Everything was perfect: the bride, the groom, the venue. We are so happy for them and we wish them all the best on this wonderful journey.

We got Giovanna’s dress at Kid to Kid in St. George last time we were there. Isn’t it darling?

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Firefighter birthday party

Looking for a different and cute theme for your kids's next birthday party? Check these adorable firefighter printable! I am in love with them!

For more party printables visit Fazendo Nossa Festa.