Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Halloween Parade

Happy Halloween everyone!

Halloween started to have a whole new meaning for me after Giovanna's birth in 2010. She was born on October 29th, and I remember the maternity was all decorated for Halloween, the nurses were wearing their costumes, and they even put a Halloween hat on baby Giovanna's bold head.

Today Giovanna had a Halloween parade at school. She is being Evie from Descendants this year.

This is the first year Giovanna is not a princess for Halloween. I guess she is starting to grow out of it... too soon for mom!

Princess Ariel - 2011

Princess Belle - 2013

Queen Elsa - 2014

Princess Jasmine - 2015

Princess Aurora - 2016

Monday, October 30, 2017

Giovanna is 7

This past weekend Giovanna turned 7 years old! 

On the 29th she woke up to find balloons and ribbons tapped on her door. We sang happy birthday, and she had special pancakes with chocolate chips for breakfast!

We also threw our traditional Halloween dinner to celebrate her birthday. 

Happy Birthday Giovi!

You are the most loving, caring, smart, fun, and the sweetest little girl!
We love you very, very much!

Her birthday party will happen next Saturday!

Friday, October 27, 2017


October is usually a busy month for our family with several Halloween festivities to attend. It is also my nephew's and Giovanna's birthdays.

Tonight I took the girls to our ward trunk-or-treat. Giovanna and Bianca debuted their Elena of Avalor dress my mom made, and Isabel dress made by the young women from my ward.

While I was dressing my girls I couldn't help but feel grateful for their femininity, and for the gospel of Jesus Christ that teach us about our celestial nature. This knowledge helps us to keep ourselves away from confusions of the world.

It was a chilly night so after trunk-or-treating we quickly headed home for some warm blankets and treats!

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Just keep your faith

My mom lives in Brazil and every time I talk to her she has tons of bad news about its poor economy, corrupted government, violence and so forth. That makes me really sad and depressed. Brazil is a beautiful country with so much potential, it just deserves better rulers.

At the same time I feel deep gratitude in my heart for living in the U.S which gives me and my family peace, quality of life and everything my girls need to grow into smart and independent women. Because of that Ale and I believe the least we can do to show all our appreciation it is to live our lives under the law and keep -at all costs- our legal status in the country. And trust me, this has been so far the most difficult thing to do since we got here in Utah about nine years ago. 

We had plans and most of them were washed by the storms that came into our lives during all these years. The plan all along was to have Ale in school, get a job under his OPT after graduating, hope for a possible sponsorship who would extend a job offer one year later, and live our happily ever after with our kids and dogs in our own home. 

Unfortunately, that didn't happen for us and for so many we know who live in the very same situation. Ale graduated last December. He had applied for several companies and all of them have turned him down. His OPT is about to expire in a few months, and we have no money to keep neither him or me in school. 

Every time I think about going back to Brazil, my family encourages me not to go! They say it would be horrible for us, specially for the kids. Deep down I know that.

We are in a very difficult situation right now. More difficult than any other we've been before. But I feel stronger than ever. I keep my faith in Heavenly Father. I know He can talk to me and direct me to the right decision that will lead us to fertile places filled with joy, because He loves me and every member of my little family. He wants us to be happy, I know. 

So if you find yourself in a hard situation like me, I suggest you to keep your faith. Heavenly Father is aware of each one of us. He will bless us in the right time if we just keep our faith!

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Choose The Right

Last Sunday my nephew Lucas got baptized in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

My sister planned a small and elegant get together after to celebrate our sweet prince.

 Everything looked so beautiful and classic! I wish I was there!

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Loveland Living Planet Aquarium

Giovanna has been asking me for a long time to take her to the aquarium. Technically school started today, but I decided to stretch Fall break one more day and just take the girls. 

I have forgotten how fun that place actually is!

This past Sunday we found out Giovanna's front tooth was kinda cracked. So today I took her to the dentist and found out the filling she did a few years ago is actually falling off. Thankfully, she doesn't need any type of surgery to fix it. We saw on the x-ray two big permanent teeth coming out pretty soon! 

She was thrilled with the news!