Wednesday, April 25, 2018

United States of America

I just want to express how thankful I am for this beautiful country. We have definitely built a life here. I remember it took me a long time to get used to the American life style, but today I can't imagine my life (well, I can but I don't want to) any other way.

This is the land of opportunity- opportunity to educate ourselves, to work and grow. It is beautiful how the leaders in this country want their people to succeed. Ale and I always mention that US citizens don't succeed in life if they really don't want to, because opportunities exist. A lot. 

That is why we've been pleading with God for the wonderful blessing of eventually become permanent residents. All these years we've been studying, working hard to follow the law and statutes of this country, and waiting faithfully for this to happen.

May is always an exciting month for us as we wait for the chance to be benefited with a green card. Heavenly Father knows the right time for everything, and as I always say He is aware of us and our needs.

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