Monday, October 22, 2018

My girls

This morning the girls came to my room to wake me up. They asked me to get out of bed and close my eyes while conducting to the kitchen where a beautiful breakfast table was waiting for me. The girls had waken up earlier and decided to make me a surprise. They placed three plates on the table for the three of us, and Giovanna wrote two beautiful cards, one for me and one for her little sister.

After breakfast the girls dragged our poufs to the kitchen sink to do the dishes. They also cleaned up their rooms. All to wait for nana and auntie who are arriving tomorrow (although the kids are just seeing them on Wednesday when we come back from Zions).

In the afternoon the girls harvested more tomatoes. We still haven’t eaten them, but we are sure excited for it. A couple of weeks ago I put our tomatoes inside the house because it’s been really cold already and the leaves were getting frozen at night. I have placed them in the living room where it's always sunny in the morning. I guess it’s working pretty well.

Guess who slept through the night without diaper on? Bianca’s been asking to sleep with calcinha but I was waiting for a sequence of dry diapers before ditching them for good. It turns out she is ready! Bibi woke up dry, and first thing she did this morning was going to the bathroom. She is growing so fast it hurts a little.

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