Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Spring break- Park

It’s been three weeks since I stopped taking my medication for anxiety and depression. It’s been three hard weeks. So, on the first day of Spring break I talked to Giovanna and asked her to be my big helper. I explained to her we would have long days ahead of us with her and Bianca at home, so
I needed her not to call me every five seconds asking me to help her with something she could do herself, or to complain because her little sister did this or that. In exchange I would manage to do something fun with them every day.

The weather has been quite wishy washy, so we have to plan our Spring activities accordingly. Yesterday was raining pretty much all day so we stayed at home, then around dinner time we headed to Chick Fil A. The day before the sky was blue and the weather was pleasant so I took the girls to the park. They played for a couple of hours then we came back home for some mac and cheese.

Today I might be taken them to the bounce house or bowling.

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