Friday, May 31, 2019

Laura graduates

Yesterday the girls and I (Ale was at school)  headed to BYU Marriot Center to celebrate Laura Villatoro who graduated from High School.

A while ago Laura was involved in a terrible car accident. She was hospitalized for a long time, and after being released she had a long way of cares and physical therapy. Seeing her graduating yesterday for me was just one more evidence of the tender mercies of Heavenly Father.

Congrats, Laurita! You have a beautiful future ahead of you, and we are cheering for you!

Have a good weekend y'all!

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Summer break is here!

Today is the last day of school for Giovanna. It was a good school year, but Giovi is ready to enjoy her summer break.

Every year, on her last day of school she brings tons of materials home. Since I can't keep them all, I usually scan them, save them in a external hard drive, and throw all the papers and textbooks away. I just keep some really cute things she makes, like cards, art works, and portfolios.

Sometimes, in the midst of piles of papers I happen to find something I haven't seen before, like a birthday invitation Giovanna got from her classmate a few weeks ago and I never RSVP because I never saw it until today.

I can't imagine how it will be when Bianca starts bringing school papers home too.

Anyways, we had some mix feelings today saying our goodbyes. Some friends will move to a different school, some teachers will be moving out of state. You know, our family should be pro by now on saying goodbye since we’ve moved so much (and probably still will), but we never seem to get used to it. It’s just too sad. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2019


Bianca is a clever little girl who has an excellent memory and is very detail oriented.

Today watching to Puppy Dog Pals she noticed the puppies were in Washington D.C. She said: "Look mom, they are in Washington D.C just like daddy". Of course, daddy is always thrilled when she notices things he had explained to her earlier. Like, when he is watching a game and she rushes to the living room shouting Red Sox, or Patriots.

I also keep a little journal were I write all funny things my girls say since they started to talk. I think it is important to record funny things they say and moments like this, because eventually we always end up forgetting, and I don't want to forget.

Plus, I want them to remember.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Memorial Day 2019

While Ale worked, I managed to do something with the girls on a rainy Memorial Day.

In the morning I helped the girls make some Thank You cards. They traced stars, medals, and hearts in red and blue paper, cut and glued them together, then wrote thank you!! in each of them. When we were finished we headed to the Orem City Cemetery where they looked for warriors gravestones and placed the thank you cards. 

That was our way to show gratitude and appreciation for those who died in service of this beautiful country, and in service of each one of us who enjoy peace and freedom everyday.

Then, later on we had lunch at Panda Express. After lunch I took the girls to play at the park right across the street from Panda. After about forty-five minutes they were ready to go back home and take a nap. The three of us took a long, nice nap. Then we woke up to see rain pouring from the sky.

When Ale got back home the girls told him all about their day. Then all of us jumped in the car to have a delicious dinner at Olive Garden.

P.S. Giovanna was in heaven for being able to eat at her two favorite restaurants in one single day.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Upper Falls Park

About two weeks ago the girls finally were able to pick out their prizes out of the "I can be nice Jar". Giovanna picked Having a friend over, and she already knows who she wants to invite. I just told her to wait until school is over (three more days!!).

Bianca got Picnic in the park. This one has been a little tough to get done because as I've already mentioned it's been raining every. single. day.

But this past Saturday we (finally) had a little break on the rain for a few hours in the morning. When the sky cleared and the sun showed up (still a bit shy) I packed some lunch, filled the car with scooters, roller blades, picnic blanket, and the girls, and together we headed to the Bridal Veil Falls.

I parked the car at the Nunn's park entrance and we rode our scooters and roller blades until we reached the Upper Falls Park. Bianca asked to have our picnic there. So we spread our blanked and we had a delicious, peaceful picnic. The view of the mountains was majestic, and we had a wonderful time!

 I love being in nature and I love being with my girls. My heart feels deeply peaceful and grateful every time. Thank you Heavenly Father! 

* * *

Happy Memorial Day!

Friday, May 24, 2019

Windsor Field Day 2019

This end of school year has been chilly with LOTS of rain! Because of the weather the Windsor field day took place inside the school. Basically, each grade had about twelve minutes to play a game, or dance in each class before walking to a different class to do a different activity.

It was very organized and fun. I actually liked this way better than previous years when field day were held outside. Obviously, the students wouldn't agree with me since they stay in class for a long time, and urge to go outside and play.

Bianca stayed home with Ale while I volunteered to help. Then around lunch time we drove back to school so she could have lunch with her big sissy.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Happy birthday Kells!

Our dear friend Kelly turned thirty-five today!

A few things about Kells:

-She hates birds (she thinks they are evil)
-She loves country music
-She loves chicken and hates casserole 
-She has the biggest heart
-She is a wonderful mama (and friend!!)
-She won’t try any new food, and she won’t share her drink

Happy birthday Kells! You are a super woman!

We love you!

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Windsor Dance Festival 2019

This morning Giovi performed on her annual Windsor dance festival. This year the 2nd graders danced Can't stop the feeling by Justin Timberlake. Giovi, as usual, danced beautifully, and even did the splits at the end of the song. She is the best!

This year the weather has been very different from previous years, and the dance had to be relocated to the gym because of the rain. It's been raining every day this week! The gym was obviously too crowded, and parents had to leave as soon as their children finished performing to free space for other parents.

Previous performances 2017 and 2018

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Dentist updates

Bianca did great on her appointment. She let her teeth be brushed, flossed, and checked by the dentist without any complain or whine. Her teeth look great, and no cavities!

Giovanna complained the entire appointment. She hates having her teeth cleaned, and gags every time they wash the tooth paste away. She needs to be constantly reminded to close her mouth to have the water sucked out. Other than that, her teeth also looks great.

Only her upper gum needs a little attention. On her last appointment the dentist said her gum, which is a little over her front teeth, would eventually go back to place, but this time he thought it was a bit swollen. He prescribed gluconate rinse, and he will try a few more things before we start talking about surgery.

Monday, May 20, 2019


We finally took the time to plant some flowers on our new pot we got this winter and has been sitting on our porch waiting to be beautified. We also planted some flowers in front of our building. I can't wait for them to bloom!

The girls were good helpers and didn't mind when it started pouring rain. After finishing it strong, they ran barefoot in the rain. Sadly, rain in Utah doesn't last long. BUT it’s supposed to rain every day this week!

Friday, May 17, 2019

Raise your hand

Raise your hand if your are excited for the weekend as much as me!

The days are sooooo nice- not too hot, nice breeze. It’s been perfect, and I've been taking Bianca to the park more often (while Giovi is at school. Last day May, 30th!). I am also keeping my windows open every day (and night) now. 

Enjoy the weekend! 

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Bianca graduates

Bianca has graduated from Head Start. She started late and attended school for just a couple of months, but she made a lot of new friends and learned to love her teachers right away. She is already enrolled for next year, and she is very excited!

The teachers and children prepared a beautiful program for us. Unfortunately, Ale couldn't go because his last semester has already started, but I had Giovanna skip the first couple of hours of school to tag along and celebrate her lil sister.

The kids sang songs and performed a little play. Bianca played on the Three Little Pigs. That was my favorite story when I was a kid. She did great! It was really cute.

Love you baby girl!