Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Happy Gril

As soon as school was out I set down with Giovanna to plan a schedule of study for her to follow throughout the summer. She decided what days she wanted to practice math, spelling, reading and writing. Every time she forgets to do it I take one marble out of her jar. But she is doing great, and has only forgotten twice since summer has started.

A few days ago she asked if she could practice her writing at the computer. When she was done writing she called Ale and I and asked us to close our eyes because she had a surprise. When she said “open” we read it and started to laugh (a nice laugh, not a mocking one). Then we asked her to read it to us. When she read “They make a happy gril” she started to laugh too.

We love our silly bird. She is so loving and sweet, and we are so lucky to be her parents! 

Keep up the good work, princess. We love you!  

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