Friday, March 8, 2019

I can be nice

Giovanna and Bianca are sisters with two very different personalities, and because of that there is occasional fights and yelling between them. In order to keep the peace (and my sanity) I came up with an idea and presented to both of them two nights ago.

It is the "I can be nice jar". If the girls are nice to each other and overall during the day, every night before bedtime they each can put one marble in the jar.

In a different jar I wrote on slips of paper their favorite things to do- eating at their favorite restaurant, having a playdate with a friend, etc. Then when the marble jar is half full I'll have them pick out one slip of paper.

We've been doing this for a couple of days now and I already have noticed a difference in Giovi and Bibi's behavior. Giovanna is listening better and Bianca is not being as tough on her sister as she usually is, plus she's using "please" and "thank you" more often.

Good job girls! Keep up the good work. I can't wait to see what prize you'll get!

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