Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Giovanna is nine

Nine reasons why I love you (although I could say a million that wouldn't fit in this post):

1- Because you were literally the best surprise I could ever have

2- Because you loved me first and have always been so close to me

3- Because you are so much fun to be around

 4- Because you are the best friend anyone could ever ask for. You are loyal and caring.

5- Because you are so chill and easy going

6- Because you love and value each member of your family

7- Because you are a wonderful big sissy

8- Because you are brave

9- Because you have the biggest, noblest, and purest heart. You have a heart of gold. I can't say enough how proud I am of who you are and who you are growing up to be.

Thank you for letting me teach you, for caring so much about what I think, for listening to and taking my advice. Thank you making me feel so loved. Thank you for your gratitude for all we do for you. Thank you for helping me and daddy be better each day.

We love you forever and ever and ever.

Happy Birthday!

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