Monday, October 28, 2019

Halloween Dinner

Our family is so ready for Halloween!

We painted our pumpkins this year. It turns out the ones we got from the Pumpkin Bash weren't good for carving, but we had a fun time painting them. I actually think the girls were more engaged painting the pumpkins then carving in preview years.

And look how cute they turned out. Bianca says her pumpkin is a scary Halloween one and Giovanna named hers Ms. Dot.

We also had our traditional Halloween Dinner with the Britos last Friday. Bella and Tales couldn't make it this year, but Mindy and Claire came and slept over.

For dinner we had delicious chicken gnocchi soup from Olive Garden in yummy bread bowls from Kneaders. The girls didn't want soup so they put mac and cheese inside the bowls. Then after dinner they watched to Hotel Transylvania (our favorite Halloween movie) while Ale and I headed to the club house to start on some decoration for Giovanna's birthday party on the very next day (more on that later).

Tomorrow Giovanna will be officially NINE! My heart aches a little. 

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