Friday, November 1, 2019

Giovanna's Birthday Party

This year we celebrated Giovanna’s birthday with another traditional big party. The theme she chose for her 9th birthday was Llama and I loved the idea. Besides her first, second and eighth birthdays, this is the first time I plan a party for her that is not related to Disney Princesses.

But although the decoration looked super cute and fun, this party was far the most chaotic one. At first I had thought in doing the party in two different times- morning for Giovi’s friends from school and afternoon for family and close friends. But, in the end we just did one big party.

I planned a simple movie (Aladdin), pancakes, hot dog, and popcorn. I sent over ten invites four days prior the party. Now, folks, there is a reason why people ask guests to RSVP. Planning a party for five children is different from planning one for fifteen. 

Three moms out of over ten kids from school that Giovanna had invited confirmed their child’s presence. It turned out I had a certain number of children in my mind, and not only those who hadn’t RSVP came but also brought friends with them.

Because of that I didn’t have enough doughnuts or popsicles for everybody and specially for those who told me they would be a little late. 

Also, the sun was shining bright at 11:30am when the party started. We tried to cover the upper windows with blankets and sheets but 1- the windows were too high and hard to cover, and 2- the sun was moving and brightening through the windows we weren't able to cover.

The children couldn't see most of the movie and its best parts like when Aladdin enters the cave. Plus, the sound was really low with the speakers we borrowed from our neighbor, so the kids couldn't hear the movie very well either.

 Soon, the kids lost their interest for the movie, and we went ahead and sang happy birthday, played pinata and opened the presents.

Since I had much more children than candies I had to ask someone to run to the grocery store to get more. Over twenty children ran to get treats out of six bags of candies. It was crazy and chaotic, and we had children being pushed and crying.

 Giovanna got lots of beautiful gifts. She told me this was her best birthday party, and she already knows what theme she wants for next year- Dia de Los Muertos.

 Personally, I love everything Dia de Los Muertos. BUT a big party is not happening anymore. I am glad and grateful for being able to plan all these parties for her throughout the years, but it gets harder and harder each year with Bianca's in August plus all other responsibilities that need to be met.

Anyways, whatever we decide to do and how to do, I'll keep giving my very best to make this girl of mine happy.

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