Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Christmas Presentation

In the morning Giovanna came to my room to wake me up- it was time to get ready to go to school.  That usually happens a few times through the week when I have a rough night and I can’t open my eyes in the morning.

She is always the first one (besides dad) to wake up. She gets up, gets dressed, and brushes her hair. The night before she turns her alarm on.

Today I was observing her as she got pancakes from the fridge, heated them up in the microwave, and broke them into small pieces. I watched her as she carefully placed the strawberries she had washed on top of the kitchen towel to absorb the water, then how she cut them and put the rest back in the fridge.

Giovanna is growing up beautifully. She is smart, helpful, and kind. She is responsible, obedient, and a great friend to everyone. I am so proud to be her mama.

Today she performed a Christmas song along with her classmates. Ale left work for a few minutes to watch her. (Have I mentioned I love he works so close from home? It’s been a blessing). They sang Mrs Grinch in English and Spanish. It was awesome!

Bottom line: I just wished all the kids were Christmas dressed up.

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