Friday, January 31, 2020

Siesta Beach, FL

Bianca went to the beach for the very first time! I am so grateful vovo Zete was there to watch it. Living far from her is so hard, it is truly a blessing when she is with us to witness our children's firsts.

Bianca L O V E D the beach! I was so impressed when she fearless got in the water and jumped right into the waves. She wasn't scared a bit, and spent the entire time we were there playing in the (cold) water (and so did I and Giovanna).

It was beautiful to see the connection Bianca has with the sea. I love the sea too! It makes me feel so close to Heavenly Father. I love its smell, its sound, the sand, the water. Everything! I feel so happy my baby feels the same way!

Then around 5pm we watched the beautiful sun of Florida go down, and we were sad for having to leave. But before saying my goodbyes I promised myself I will find a way to go to the beach at least once a year from now on.

**Bottom line: The sand at Siesta beach is unbelievable. So white, soft and cool! Best sand ever...

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