Monday, May 18, 2020

End of school yer luau- quarantine days 62-64

Homeschool is out. It was harder and more tiring than I thought, and although I am grateful for the experience and grateful for the things I learned during this time, I am glad it is over.

This weekend I planned a little surprise for the girls to celebrate their efforts in these last couple of months. I believe it was as hard and tiring for them as it was for me, so I guess we all deserved to be celebrated.

I set up a cozy and intimate luau on the backyard, while Ale drove to South Jordan to get The Pie, and the kids waited patiently inside the house. I want everything to be ready before they went outside. 

Their cute faces when they saw it was priceless. We had so much fun! Ale got his guitar and we sang a few gems. His guitar keeps bringing joy to our home. (Remember when he sold it?).

We ate, the girls each shared what they will miss the most about their schools, then we danced some Hawaiian songs, and did an activity to finish our evening.

It was such a simple thing to do and it made the girls so happy! They went to bed thanking me for the fun time, and woke up talking about it.

You’re welcome my babies. I love you very much!

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