Friday, May 8, 2020

Windsor parade- quarantine day 54

In a few days homeschooling will come to an end (can I hear an alleluia?), and to celebrate it the teachers and staff from Windsor planned a parade.

From our cars we could wave and shout to the teachers standing outside the school building. Giovanna had a blast seeing her teachers and friends for one last time before summer starts.

When the COVID-19 restrictions are finally lifted I am planning to have Giovanna's friends from Windsor for a pool party, so she can properly farewell them before leaving to her new school.

Later on the girls set up a cozy “sleepover” in the living room for us to watch a family movie. We all agreed we should watch Coco.

I had forgotten how perfect this movie is- the quality of the story, the songs, the visual effects, everything! No doubt the best movie Disney has made so far.

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