Wednesday, September 30, 2020

General Conference weekend- Covid-19 day 199

It is General Conference time again!

And I can't wait to hear from the servants of the Lord. I know they will speak the will of God, and we will find answers for our prayers and guidance for our lives in these days of turmoil.

As usual, I prepared a Conference kit for the girls with activities, pencils, and their favorite treats.

** Live viewing times and options HERE **

Have a beautiful weekend you all!

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Hair cut- Covid-19 day 198

I have ventured myself into cutting my own hair again.

I followed a video tutorial on YouTube, and I am not sure about the results yet.

I had to straighten my hair in order to trim the uneven ends of it, so I am not sure how it will look like when I wash it and air dry it as usual.

I will post pictures soon.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Me- Covid-19 day 197

 A beautiful gift from my beautiful, talented niece.

Thank you Bia. 
I love you!

Friday, September 25, 2020

Bye bye summer- Covid-19 day 194

Today, the girls had school early out. After lunch they asked me if they could go see the horses.

The horses happen to leave right next to my neighbor’s garden. While they pet the horses I got a few tomatoes and squashes.

I’ve been making
Brazilian vinagrete all week long with her fresh tomatoes, green peppers, and onions. 

Then later on, Vivi came over to swim with the girls. Unfortunately, the pool was already closed and they ended up cooling off by throwing buckets of water at each other.

Summer is officially over.

Good thing kids are so easy to please. They don’t need much to have fun.

We finished our day with dinner and delicious Krispy Kream doughnuts. 

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Early October- Covid-19 day 193

I’ve told the girls we would wait until first week of October to decorate our home for Halloween.

It turns out I was way too excited to wait.

Today I opened our Halloween totes and started setting our spooky pumpkins and skeletons across the living room and kitchen.

The girls helped me making potions to pour into our bottles. I absolutely LOVE Halloween, and it is so much more fun with kids!

A few days ago while grocery shopping I spotted the coolest Halloween decor. I might come back there for one thing or two.

Welcome early October!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Fresh from the garden- Covid-19 day 192

I feel so blessed for having awesome neighbors who know how to garden and are incredibly nice and love to share.

After picking up Giovi from school I headed to my neighbor to get some fresh veggies.

I was so amazed by the variety of vegetables they had! I got delicious tomatoes, onions, zucchini, yellow squash, and tons of different types of peppers.

*How beautiful is this?*

I absolutely love how my kitchen is smelling fresh onions. Yum!

Today I baked ratatouille with my delicious, fresh produce straight from the garden. 

My recipe tastes amazing!

Thank you so much sister Pierce!

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Candies- Covid-19 day 191

 Guess where I found hidden candy in Bianca’s room?

 I am not sure if I laugh or cry.

We have been managing Bianca’s weight, since she (all of us) became sedentary after Covid-19 hit our lives in March. When she finished her tumbling, I wasn’t able to enroll her in the next class.

Even now they have opened classes again I don’t feel comfortable having her do it, specially with colder months ahead.

Because we are watching closely her food and sugar intake, sometimes she likes having sweets in her room, so she can eat them without supervision. So every now and then I inspect her room and move all candies I find into a jar in the kitchen.

Yesterday, while helping her clean her room I found candies from Marito’s birthday party everywhere in the Barbie’s doll house.

I will make sure to put them in the jar before she comes back from school today.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Weekend- Covid-19 days 188-190

This weekend we drove to Lehi to sing happy birthday to Marito who turned seven. SEVEN! I remember when he was just a baby, like yesterday.

It was a small party, and the kids had a lot of fun in a safe environment. (I cannot believe we are heading to 200 days of coronavirus). 

After the party we headed to North Salt Lake to sleepover with the Brito girls while Tales was in St. George. 

We did home church together, and it was beautiful and spiritual. The girls shared their testimonies about Jesus Christ’s love for each one of us, and how we are never alone because of that.

Then we talked about when Jesus Christ came to the Americas, and how wonderful it would be when He comes back again. 

We watched to My Joy is Full, and we shed some tears. The Spirit was so strong! I am so grateful for having friends who share the same beliefs as our family.

Annnnd, I also got the best facial treatment! 
Thank you Mindy!

Friday, September 18, 2020

Mom and Giovi time- Covid-19 day 187

 When Giovi heard Bianca and I went to the pool, she wanted to have an alone time with me too. Today was a perfect day to do it since Bianca didn't have school, and Giovi had early out.

While Ale stayed with Bianca at home, I picked up Giovi from school and I surprised her with her favorite white gummy smoothie from Jamba Juice, then we went bowling.

After bowling we went to Nielsen Grove Park. I absolutely love this park. It is so green and beautiful and well maintained. We played in the playground, walked around the park, and watched the ducks swimming in the pond.

We talked about school, friends, and what we hope for the future. Giovanna has been always aware of our situation as foreign-born in the U.S and the limitations that come with it. But we like talking (and dreaming) about our future home, and others things a citizenship would allow us to have and do.

Later on, we had friends over to watch the new live action Mulan. The girls have watched it six or seven times already, and they never get tired of it. They love Mulan that much.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Mom and Bibi time- Covid-19 day 186

 Guess who wanted “mommy and Bianca time”?

I think it is so cute that my girls from time to time ask to have an undivided time with me. 

I took Bianca to the pool while Giovi was at school. We spent over two hours playing and swimming together. It  was so good!

 Then throughout the day Bianca would come to me and hug me, and I felt it was her spontaneous way to thank me for our time together.

 In the midst of chaos life can be sometimes, we forget how important it is taking the time to look into our kids eyes, carefully listen to them, and spend quality time with them.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Busy and tired- Covid- 19 day 185

As I finish this day, every single part of my body hurts. Gosh, I am getting old.

Today was a busy day. I stayed on my feet all day, driving back and forth from one place to another, cleaning, cooking, and running errands.

Plus, I spent hours helping Giovanna with her science project, math, and redo homework. I also helped Bianca with her homework.

Then I gathered the itty bitty of energy I had left to take a shower and throw myself in bed.

And tomorrow morning it all starts again.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Grapes, delicious grapes!- Covid-19 day 184

 Annnnnd it is that time of the year again.

Grapes picking!!!

These grapes are the sweetest, most delicious grapes there are, and I am so grateful my neighbor has a vine and a huge heart, and is willing to share this deliciousness with us.

Plus, the girls LOVE picking their own grapes and place them in their baskets. 

Thank you so much sister Mutch!  

Monday, September 14, 2020

Seven Brothers and more- Covid-19 days 181-183

I can't believe how many times we've been to the pool this summer. Because of the Covid we limited our social activities to pool and small gatherings with a few close friends.

This past weekend, the Matutes and Medinas came over to swim one last time before the weather gets colder and the pool is closed.

It is always fun when they come to swim with us. The girls love having friends over.

We stayed at the pool for a few hours, then we headed to The Shops at Riverwoods in Provo to try Seven Brothers for the first time. I got Paniolo Cowboy burger, and Ale got Deep Blue burger- both really, really good! And their fries...

The restaurant gives straight access to the Provo Beach, and the kids were super excited to check it out. So after dinner, we let the kids run around and play. It turns out it was a bad idea. After a while, they were hot and took their masks off. 

That reminded me of why we don't take the girls to places. After that, the fun was over and we headed back home. It was bedtime anyways.

Friday, September 11, 2020

May we never forget- Covid-19 day 180

I was home in Brazil when my mom called from work to tell us to turn on the TV. I was eighteen when I watched the World Trade Center and Pentagon be cowardly attacked.

Six years later, I had the opportunity to visit New York City, and the WTC grounds, where a new construction was in progress.

It's been nineteen years, but every year I can't help but think about those over thousand innocent souls who died in this horrible tragedy. I think about their families and their infinite pain. I think about those first responders who also lost their lives.

May we never forget.
