Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Appointments- Covid-19 day 205

Doctor appointments marathon has began.

Yesterday, Giovanna had endocrinologist to check her growth. The doctor said she has grown three centimeters since her last appointment about ten months ago.

He hoped she had grown a little taller, but he still thinks we still have time to explore other options before thinking about growth hormones.

Later that afternoon, the girls had dentist appointment, and gladly everything looks great in their tiny mouths.

Today, we took Giovi to the dermatologist to check her neck that’s been carrying a white spot on its left side since she was around three.

It turns out she has vitiligo. Vitiligo is associated to other autoimmune diseases, which explains the white patch in Giovi’s neck, since a while ago we found out her thyroid antibodies were attacking her thyroid gland

The good news is that the vitiligo seems not to be spreading to other parts of her body, and it is likely to stay that way.

The doctor prescribed a topic lotion to apply on her white patch to help the pigmentation of her skin come back to normal, which it is not guaranteed.

After the doctor, we drove to my favorite ice cream place for delicious chicken finger and cheese fries, and the biggest banana split!

I love you Leatherby’s!

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