Monday, July 19, 2021

Five Hundred- Covid-19 day 500

 Five hundred days that we've been living with this coronavirus that has taken so many precious lives and still keeps sicken people around the world.

It's crazy to think that almost one year and a half ago our lives changed so drastically. As much as we want life to go back to normal, it is hard to start normal daily life activities knowing that variants of this virus are up and running out there.

I, personally, still don't feel comfortable around people, and I don't like when they talk close to me. I also still wear my mask to go to the grocery stores, and I ALWAYS hand hygiene. I avoid taking the girls to crowed places, and I just take them to run errands with me when I absolutely need (which barely happens since Ale works from home).

People from Brazil are still prohibited to enter the U.S.. The girls are super sad because they miss grandma so much and were expecting her this year for a visit. It's been hard. Her suitcases were (still are) ready. 

She even ended up mailing some clothes she made for the girls and was planning to bring with her, before they get too small. After all, who knows when the country will reopen to Brazilian travelers again.

Let's keep praying and pleading with God so this virus can go away for good.

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