Thursday, December 30, 2021

Recreation Center- Covid-19 day 662

 I’ve been working a lot, and I am usually always tired. But today I managed to take the girls to the pool. Vovó went with us, and we talked and took pictures while the girls enjoyed the warm water.

They wore the swimsuits vovó brought to them from Brazil. The yellow one Bianca is wearing she actually made! It looks adorable on her, plus I can easily see Bianca everywhere she goes.

It was a cold day today, and I just didn’t feel like getting wet. But the girls had fun. We will all be back to swim again soon.

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Snow- Covid-19 day 661

 It’s been snowing a lot more this winter comparing to last year. I learned to like snow, specially after having kids. I think everything is more fun with children. The only downside is driving in the snow. Our cars don’t drive very good on icy roads.

We have plans to spend New Year’s Eve in Salt Lake with the Britos, BUT the advisory weather is not very reassuring. It should be snowing for the next few days. 

With that being said, there is a big chance of spending New Year’s Eve at home. We’ll see what’s going to happen.

Friday, December 24, 2021

Christmas 2021- Covid-19 day 656

Our Christmas night was extra special with vovó Zete here with us. We cooked delicious dinner, Ale baked his famous rolls with cream cheese, and vovo made an amazing potato salad. After dinner we had a spiritual message and watched to our traditional Home Alone.

I love our Christmas. They are always so beautiful and cozy. I am grateful for being able to spend this wonderful time of the year who those I love the most. 

Friends always invite us to come over and spend Christmas eve with them, but even before Giovanna was born I had decided we would make our own traditions, like spending Christmas eve and Christmas day together as a family.

When the night was over, the girls left cookies and milk to Santa and rapidly fell asleep excited to see if they would find presents under the tree.

On Christmas day, after finding and opening gifts from Santa, we made gingerbread houses and chilled at home.

I hope you had a beautiful Christmas time with your loved ones too. 

Monday, December 20, 2021

Vovó Zete is here! - Covid-19 day 652

Vovó Zete is finally here, and we are so happy!

She will stay with us for the next six months. The girls were missing her, and I really could use some help. I’ve been so tired since I started working outside the home.

My mom is incredibly loving and takes great care of us. She always makes sure everybody is fed and happy. My house is always clean. It’s awesome.

We can’t wait to be spoiled, and start making memories together.

Friday, December 17, 2021

Provo Beach- Covid-19 day 649

Christmas break starts today, and to start it with the right foot, I took the girls to Provo Beach. They love going there, specially Giovanna who's been into their ropes course lately.

We spent a couple of hours there, and my babies played to their hearts content. Then on our way back home we bought dinner to have it with daddy who stayed home working.

Next time we come here we will bring vovo Zete who is arriving next Monday. Hooray!

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Christmas break- Covid-19 day 648

 I can’t believe tomorrow is the last day of school before the girls start Christmas break. CHRISTMAS! Did this year fly by or what?!?

I also can’t believe vovó Zete is arriving next Monday from Brazil! She is staying for six months with us. It will be so good. The girls are so excited!

I am slowly getting everything ready for her arrival and Christmas. I had to buy a couple of last minute gifts for the girls, and improvise gifts for our teachers.

I feel so bad because the girls’s teachers deserve so much better. They are amazing! I just didn’t have time to think and prepare something nice. I feel like since I started working I don’t have energy for anything else.

Working a twelve hour night shift at the hospital has been really hard. My house needs attention, my kids need attention, my husband needs attention, (I need attention!!!),  and I can’t do it all. 

It’s been frustrating, I confess. Specially because I don’t have time for the girls as I used to have. That’s been the hardest for me. I am hoping with my mom coming, I will have the help I need, at least for a while so I can adjust to this new reality.

Today, I managed to do a little something for the teachers. I had the girls write a sweet Christmas card for them, and I hope they enjoy it. I mean, who doesn’t love chocolates, right?

When I asked Bianca how she did know her teacher like chocolate, she answered: “all teachers like cookies and chocolates”. Well, I guess she’s right. 

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

This- Covid-19 day 647

 And I get my phone to find this:

I love you baby girl!

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Christmas bingo- Covid-19 day 646

It is getting colder, which means the season of sickness is officially here.

This past weekend the Britos and our family had our traditional Christmas bingo. Just this time we played through FaceTime since Bella and Brad were sick with a cold.

We each had a bingo card and M&M’s that Mindy had brought earlier on. She drew the cards as we placed the M&M’s and yelled BINGO! 

It was different. It reminded me of when we couldn’t get together right when Covid hit. But it was fun. We gotta try our best to adjust and still enjoy life during these uncertain times.

Monday, December 13, 2021

Tucanos- Covid-19 day 645

 Tucanos on a Monday? Yes, please!

P.S. I love these two

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Christmas cards- Covid-19 day 640

 Our Christmas cards are ready!

I ordered two different type of cards this year, for Christmas which I will be sending to friends who live here in Utah, and for New Years that I will send to family in Brazil.

I figured my Christmas cards always get there past Christmas time, so I started ordering New Years ones. This way, no matter when the card gets there, it’ll still be New Year.

I used the family pictures we took with Mindy & Mell back in May on the cards. They turned out really pretty. 

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Twinkle is back- Covid -19 day 639

Twinkle finally came back from the North Pole to spend Christmas season with us. The girls were thrilled to see her sitting under our Christmas tree when they woke up this morning.

I love this time of the year, our beautiful holiday traditions, and making memories with my family. I feel so blessed!

Monday, December 6, 2021

Christmas season is here! Covid-19 day 638

My favorite time of the year is here!

Today we finally decorated the house for Christmas. I usually decorate for Christmas right after  Thanksgiving, but these days have been so busy with work and school, I kept postponed it.

The girls helped opening the boxes and decorating about 1/4 of the tree.

As per tradition, we played Christmas songs and danced while decorating. It is always a fun time with the girls.

The house is ready for Christmas and for vovo's arrival.