Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Off to Florida

 Our family is heading to Florida for a little vacation. We will be soaking up in Fort Lauderdale’s sun for the next four days. 

See you all next week!

Friday, June 24, 2022


 Happy birthday sis!


I love you. Enjoy your day!

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Summer break

Ale and I are navigating through some changes and learning as we go while the girls are home for summer break and we are working.

Ale was able to change his schedule and work from home the two days I am working at the hospital. It’s been great. The girls are not alone, and I can actually take a nice, long nap before work. 

The days I am off work, I take the girls to somewhere fun (Thanksgiving Point membership has been great), or I take them to the pool. There are a lot of trips to the pool.

And there are a lot of TV time too- more than I would like, and more than I usually let them. But it works great when I need to take care of the house or catch up on my sleep.

Today was pool day. We got there around 6:00pm, and we didn’t leave until close to 10:00pm. The girls love a night swim. They got back home, ate, showered, and as soon as we finished prayers, they were already fast asleep.

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Father’s day 2022

We had a delicious dinner at Tucanos Brazilian Grill to celebrate Father’s day. We wanted daddy to eat his favorite food (churrasco) since I don’t cook red meat often and he loves it.

Happy Father’s day to our big daddy who makes sure we are safe and well taken care of.

“We believe in fathers. We believe that far from being superfluous, fathers are unique and irreplaceable”.  

- Elder D. Todd Christofferson

Monday, June 20, 2022

Dinosaur Island

This past Saturday our family went to visit the new Dinosaur Island at Thanksgiving Point. I’ve been having rough few weeks with a lot going on at the same time. I needed some worry-free time.

What I love the most about Thanksgiving Point is that everything they do, they do it really well. The dinosaur displays are really fun and realistic. They move their heads and make sounds. 

I was so excited to take the girls. Last time we took them to see the dinosaurs was back in 2018 at George S. Eccles Park in Ogden, and they were so little. 

Look how big they are now!

• • • • •

Dinosaur Island at Thanksgiving Point runs from May 28 to August 27

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Back to Brasil

 After six months with us, my mom flew back home. I am happy for her to be to go back to her routine and finally be able to sleep on her own bed. She had a hard time adjusting with our beds. 

I haven’t realized how much the differences between here and Brazil affect my family when they come visit. It sure takes some time to adjust.

I am so grateful for all my mom’s help, love, and patience with us throughout these months. I am grateful for her delicious cooking, wise teachings, and for her presence in our lives.

Thank you vovó Zete. We love you very much and we will miss you deeply.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Skin cancer

For several months now I’ve been struggling with persistent acne. About two months ago I scheduled an appointment with the dermatologist for today.

We went over a few things that have been bothering me for a while like my skin tag on my right eyelid, which he was able to remove (hooray), and warts around my back and belly.

While checking my back, what I thought to be a wart has been diagnosed as skin cancer after a biopsy was done. Fortunately, it was caught early and the treatment should be simple.

In the next three weeks I should be going back to the doctor so he can do an electrodesiccation and curettage, a surgical procedure where he scrapes all the cancerous skin and burns any remaining cancerous cells.

Then after caring for the wound for a few weeks at home, I will follow up with the doctor.

I am not scared if you ask me. I am just a little disappointed and surprised since I rigorously wear my sunscreen before sun exposure. But I know everything will be okay.

Wednesday, June 8, 2022


Birthdays during the week are hard to celebrate. I am thankful for all those who took the time to make me feel loved and special on my birthday. 

Thank you my beautiful girls for my awesome breakfast in bed- you know it is my favorite! Thank you mom for making me delicious Brazilian coxinhas that I love so much.

Thank you Mindy for coming all the way from North Salt Lake to pick up the girls so I could sleep. And finally, thank you Ale for the best gift a nurse can ask for…  

I can’t believe next year I turn 40!!!!

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Memorial Day weekend

 This year we spent Memorial Day weekend in St. George. We left Orem on an ugly, rainy day, and got in St. George to find a beautiful, sunny weather.

Day 1

We got stuck on a horrible traffic on our way to St George, and got there late. As soon as we stopped the car to greet the Britos who were already there, the girls changed into their swim suits in the car, and jumped into the pool.

It was a looong trip, and the girls were excited for a night swim.

Day 2

On the very next day, we tried to wake up as early as we could to go to Ivins Reservoir. We packed lunch, chairs, kayaks, and everything we needed for a nice, fun time at the lake.

We spent a few hours there. The wind started picking up and blowing all our belongs away, so that was our cue to head back home. But we all enjoyed our time there, and the kids did a great job kayaking. 

Day 3

Last night the girls were so tired, they crashed on the couch. So today we decided not to make big plans. Grandma Marylynn gathered all her crafts and let the girls entertain themselves all morning. In the afternoon we visited Brigham Young winter home.

Day 4

Last day in St. George was cool. The temperature dropped a little which was perfect to visit the dunes at Snow Canyon, since there is no shade there.

We took our chairs, gallons of water, and sand toys to play. We buried the girls in the sand, made sand castles, and got into a sandball fight. It was so fun!

We went back home and washed all the sand in the pool. Then grandma Marylynn taught us how to play pickle ball, and we finished our trip with roasted marshmallows.

And I am already missing St. George!

Monday, June 6, 2022

Bella turns 4

 Happy birthday to my twin thirty five years apart. 

We celebrated Bella’s birthday party at Boondocks in Kaysville. That is the only Boondocks I actually like. It’s clean and fun.

We played TONS!

P.S. Can I just say I love these kids? 

Friday, June 3, 2022

Butterfly Biosphere

Today we visited the Butterfly museum. This is one of my favorite museums at Thanksgiving Point.

The girls played in the treehouse playground, then we took vovo to the conservatory to see the beautiful butterflies flying freely over our heads. They even got to (carefully) hold one!

We are really enjoying our membership. The girls will have tons of fun there this summer. It was the best decision!