Monday, October 31, 2022

Halloween 2022

When the girls ask me for something I always try my best to give it to them. I usually say they won’t be kids forever. Before we know it they will fly out of the nest.

This year Giovanna wanted to be Maleficent for Halloween. I was planning to improvise a costume for her, and make a staff out of pool noodles. But like I said, they won’t be kids forever, so I decided to buy a nice Maleficent costume for her.

It wasn’t cheap. I paid way more than I would like for a kid’s costume, but Giovanna was SO happy, and she looked absolutely perfect!

I also bought an official costume from Disney store for Bianca. She wanted to be Audrey from Descendants. The costume is really pretty. I dyed her hair pink and I curled it. I also made her a crown, since the real one was too tight and it would hurt her head. She also looked so good!

We did trick or treating in Lehi with the Matute family as usual. It was a cold night, but we were able to warm up with delicious soup and hot cocoa a family was offering for the trick-or-treaters.

It was a fun night, and the girls got tons of candies.

Happy Halloween! 

Monday, October 17, 2022

Pumpkin carving

Bianca’s been reminding us every day we need to buy our pumpkins to carve/paint them. So this past Saturday we finally drove to Trader’s Joe to buy them.

I like buying our pumpkins there because they have a good variety for reasonable prices. Plus, I always end up buying some goodies. And yes, we do love their mini shopping carts too.

This year, each of us came up with different ideas for our pumpkin carving. Ale bought a mini one and carved Slash (like every year, haha). Giovanna carved and painted a cat. Bianca painted hers with several layers of different colors, and ended up with a black sparkly pumpkin. I tried to build a little fairy cottage. 

We had so much fun! This is Bianca's favorite Halloween activity. I am so happy I have children to share these moments with!

Monday, October 10, 2022


“And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good”

-Genesis 1:12

It amazes me how perfect God’s creations are. One of my favorite creations is the seeds that grow fruits for all living thing to enjoy.

I can’t wait to have space to grow my own garden. In the meantime, I am grateful for nice neighbors who share their harvest with us.

Friday, October 7, 2022

Malala Yousafza

 Today Giovi had another fair at school. She was so lucky to get the wonderful Malala Yousafzai to talk about. Malala is such a courageous women and the perfect example of standing up for what is right.

I was so excited for this presentation I bought Giovi a book that tells Malala's story. And together we figured out an outfit for her to wear.


I am so grateful that the girls get to go to a great school that teaches them so much! I am grateful for wonderful examples of love, compassion, and bravery out there. And I am mostly grateful for example of strong and loving women in my own family. They are my true heroes.  

Monday, October 3, 2022

192nd General Conference

 General Conference was beautiful. On Saturday morning, I gifted the kids with their Conference bags filled with their favorite treats and a Conference pack the Primary prepared for them this year.

We had a special breakfast with pancakes, eggs, and bacon, and a special lunch. I cooked my fam's favorite Garlic Beef and Broccoli Lo Mein. After the afternoon session, we drove to Leatherby's to have fries and ice cream.

On Sunday, we watched both sessions, and I was able to sleep for a couple of hours before going to work. President Nelson's last remarks were deeply touching. I felt the Spirit so strong! I know that our prophet is a prophet of God, and he loves us.

I am so happy that eighteen more temples were announced in this Conference, and that two of them will be built in Brazil- Londrina and Ribeirao Preto. I am excited thinking about the possibility of going to the Ribeirao Preto Temple open house.

I love General Conference weekend. Teaching my kids to love it too has been one of the most rewarding things for me as a mother. I am so proud of them for sitting throughout the four sessions, listening, and recording their thoughts and impressions on their own unique ways.

After General Conference was over, we had our traditional Ice cream Sunday. Bianca always looks forward to it. It is so cute!