Friday, August 18, 2023

The three mosketeers

 It is going to be just the three of us- Bianca, Giovanna and I for a couple of weeks. It will be crazy but much needed. Mindy will come home the days I work to sleep with the girls until I come back to take them to school.

Our family is going through hard times, but I know our Heavenly Father will be watching over us and preparing our hearts and minds to make the best decisions.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Bianca is 8

 I can’t believe our Bibi is EIGHT. What a special age!

After she fell asleep we decorated her room with balloons. We woke her up with our traditional breakfast in bed. Then she opened presents and headed to school. Bianca’s birthday always falls right on the first day of school. 

Slowly we are getting ready for her baptism. A lot of things get postponed while I am in school. Today I take my last final, then I will be free to catch up in school emails, back to school feast, baptism prep, grocery shopping, and much needed cleaning.

Later on after picking her up we had late lunch/early dinner at Olive Garden. 

Happy birthday Bibi! I hope you felt happy and loved. You are our sunshine, and we are so lucky to have you in our lives! 

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

First day of school

My beautiful Giovanna is starting Jr High this year! Where did time go?

Bianca is growing up so fast too! She is so excited to start 3rd grade! 

 I am sad Giovanna left her elementary school. But I love seeing her grow and achieve milestones. She is so nervous and excited about this new chapter in her life!

A couple of days before school started I took her there to practice opening her locker and walk around the school to get used to it, since it is a world inside with all its halls, classes, gym, lunch room and auditorium. Maybe I think the school is huge because I haven’t ever entered a middle school before. 

On the other hand I am so happy Bianca is still going to the same school, and I am hoping to keep it that way until she is ready to start Jr High too. And hopefully I can convince her to keep going to a charter school.