Thursday, May 23, 2024

Field day

 I cannot believe this is the last week of school for the girls. Time’s been flying and I won’t complain. I confess I’ve been wanting this year to fly and take me to December already when I finally graduate from nursing school. 

Today was early out for Giovanna. After picking her up I decided to stop by to see if Bianca was still doing field day. Lucky me, they were all on the field playing games. 

I love how Bianca enjoys her childhood. She is so full of energy and light. She is excited and curious, and she spreads love and kindness everywhere she goes. I love hearing from her teachers all the good things she does and says. 

This baby girl makes me SO HAPPY! I love being her mama. 

Monday, May 20, 2024


 I remember when I was a kid I used to talk to my imaginary friend all the time. I named it "Angel" and we would have long conversations all the way back home from school, or when I needed advices, or when I was frustrated. Angel was my best friend.

Talking to Giovanna about the new movie "IF", she told me she never had an imaginary friend. That made me sad, I am not going to lie. And I am not sure if Bianca has one either. She said she does and his name is Gale.

On Saturday our family went to the movies to watch the much anticipated IF. It is such a cute movie, and some scenes got me very emotional. I 100% recommend it. The girls also love it! I caught Ale snoozing off a few times during the movie, which he firmly denies haha. 

After that we did some shopping and finished the night with some delicious Brazilian esfihas. Yum!

Monday, May 13, 2024

Piano recital & Mother’s day 2024

 This past Saturday the girls participated on their much anticipated piano recital. They were so nervous since it was their first time performing to people. They both did a great job and I am a proud mama!

Bianca played Book of Mormon stories and Mary had a little lamb

Giovanna played I like to see the temple and Praise to the man. I can’t wait for their next recital! 

After recital we headed to Salt Lake to have a special dinner at Cheesecake Factory for Mother’s Day.

I love being a mother and I pray every day I can guide my children to be good and do good wherever they go. This world needs kindness. 

Monday, May 6, 2024

Oak Canyon end of the year concert

I was so excited when Giovanna told her end of the year concert was going to be Disney themed songs! I grew to love everything Disney after Giovanna was born. She used to love Disney Channel, Disney movies, Disney parks, Disney princesses, and our frequent visits to Disney store before they close their doors in Utah.

I was even more excited about her playing Jurassic Park, one of my favorite movies of all times! She would practice it every day and wouldn't get tired of listening to her play it over and over again.

I felt some goosebumps when the whole band played it together. It was so cool!!!

It was a beautiful night! Giovi was so happy that the Brito kids could come to watch her perform. 

Go Giovi! Go!