Friday, November 21, 2014

Santa Claus

Last night we told Giovanna to get dressed because we had a surprise for her. We were taking her to see Santa Claus’s arrival at City Creek Center in downtown. 

Every year City Creek kicks off the holiday season with the arrival of Santa Claus. Elves lead families in a sing-along until Santa appears on the rooftops to greet everyone before settling into his cottage for the season.

 It is a fun event and we were absolutely sure Giovanna would love it. Well, we were wrong.

 She made faces, complaint, and cried pretty much the whole time. First, because she was tired. Second, because she didn't want to sing along. Third, because of the fireworks (she doesn't like them). Fourth, because she wanted to go on "Santa's house" but she didn't want to take a picture with him. And finally because she didn't want to take any picture at all.

So we went back home. At least next year we already know.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Story of our Life - Part I

In a couple of months this blog will celebrate its first anniversary! Here I talk about our days as family, our struggles, our faith, and our testimony of Jesus Christ.

As I have mentioned a few times before Ale is doing his genealogy. Every day he finds new names, places and documents about his ancestors. Part of his ancestors migrated from Italy to Brazil, and from Brazil to the United States a long time ago. Just like them Ale and I decided to migrate overseas about five years ago, and I will share our story with you.

My graduation party- December 2005

Year of 2003- I was on my fourth semester of Journalism in Brazil when Ale went to the U.S to serve an LDS mission. During that time we exchanged emails, and when he went back home we started dating. 

Two years later- Our first date was over my house in Taboão da Serra, São Paulo. I invited him for lunch. I don't really remember what we talked about. I just remember I wanted to kiss him that day, but it didn't happen.

First kiss- After our first date we kept talking on the phone and seeing each other. One night when we met at an Institute activity I asked for a gum. He said he just had one we could share, so he put half of it in his mouth and made me go for the other half.

Boyfriend-  We did everything together and even talked about the future.

Back to the U.S- 
Ale went back to the U.S in 2006 to start school and I stayed in Brazil. During that time I traveled to Chile for the second time and prepared myself to start AuPair in America program.

Our story will continue on the next posts. :)

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Tracy Aviary

Tracy Aviary is offering $1 admission every Wednesday from November through March 2015. I know lots of people would rather stay home drinking hot cocoa, but before snow starts falling we still have a few nice days to enjoy!
Photos from last year:

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Everybody Sick

Giovanna woke up with diarrhea and throwing up. Dad woke up with a headache. Mom woke up nauseated. Gladly, later on everybody was feeling much better. We even had energy to do some grocery shopping.

Who sees this picture of Giovi can’t tell she had a rough morning.

Thursday, November 13, 2014


Today, a friend of mine posted a really cool video on her Facebook page. On the video the same question is asked to several adults and children: "If you could change one thing in your body, what would it be?"

The nature of the answers teach us a lot about being confident and comfortable in our own skin. It is a truly beautiful, touching message.

This video came to me in a time when I am not fully happy with myself- body and spirit. I know our bodies play a crucial part on Heavenly Father's plan, and He gave us one to be happy and righteously enjoy experiences in this mortal life. 

I know we should be grateful for our bodies, take a good care of them, and have the courage to change whatever we are not comfortable with. On the last General Conference, Elder Jorg Klebingat taught us:

"Our soul consists of your body and spirit. Feeding the spirit while neglecting the body, which is a temple, usually leads to spiritual dissonance and lowered self-esteem."

I love this talk. You can read/watch his entire talk HERE.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Discovery Gateway & BWW

This morning I was too lazy to go out with Giovanna, so we just played around the house. Then daddy came home earlier from work, and after Giovi's nap we took her to Discovery Gateway.

Later on, we met with some friends at Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner. Daddy had his usual flat salt and vinegar wings, I got a juicy steak burger, and Giovi ate daddy’s wings and fries.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Primary Program 2014

Last Sunday Giovanna along with forty-five other children participated on her very first primary sacrament meeting presentation. We worked on her line: "A oração familiar abençoa minha família" and on the song "Uma família feliz" for several weeks. We also helped our valiant class on their lines and songs too.

All their hard work certainly paid off- they did great! It was a beautiful, spiritual meeting and a good reminder that if we hold our family home evenings, say our family prayers every day, constantly invite the spirit into our homes and follow the commandments, we can safely return to our Heavenly Father as an eternal family.

Friday, November 7, 2014


Giovanna had doctor appointment yesterday. Our princess is healthy and developing really well.

She got two shots and a nasal spray. She cried and said she didn't want to have a check up anymore. Five minutes later she was happy and silly again. Good thing she never gets feverish, sore or fussy after immunizations, even when she was a baby. My brave little girl!

Tonight daddy is going out for a game night with friends, so Giovanna and I are having a movie night with popcorn and guaraná.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Giovanna talks to Jesus

There are two things Giovanna knows for sure:

1- Jesus lives in heaven. 
2- Heaven is right at Temple Square North Visitors Center.

Every time she needs to talk to Jesus or tell Him a secret she makes me drive her there. Sometimes she tells me what they talked about, sometimes she doesn’t.

Last Saturday she wanted to talk to Jesus again. She told me she asked Him for a sibling. She is ready to be a big sister. She is a loving, caring little girl. I'm sure she will be a wonderful big sissy when the right time comes.

I am so proud of her for knowing she always can communicate with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. She is an example for us in so many ways. Sometimes she is the one who invite us to do family prayer and family home evening.

Thank you baby girl for your example. We are so lucky to be your parents!