Friday, May 29, 2015

Ale baby's pictures

We have tons of photo albums because I love photos and I love printing to put them in a photo album. I think is much cooler to see photos on those heavy, old family photo albums than in modern flash drives, phones, and computers.

Today Ale scanned some photos from his baby album. He, on the contrary, loves any kind of technology and prefers keeping photos and documents on his flash drive.

Look how cute he was!

If you are wondering (like I was) what is this old thing on the picture, it's a 70's stereo system.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Just a little break

Today I woke up in the morning and helped Giovanna to get dressed to go to school. When I went to the bathroom I noticed I was bleeding. No pain. No contractions. I called my OB and scheduled an appointment. Fortunately baby is fine, heartbeat is normal and the bleeding seems to be nothing serious. If anything change I have to go back to the doctor.

But I cried. Not only because I was scared and worried about my baby but also because I feel tired, and sad, and frustrated. Because my husband has lost his job, and because his health is compromised. Because we don't have health insurance to find out what he has and, afterwards, to treat him. 

Because we don't have enough money to keep college tuition and pay the bills. And because I still have to find strength to comfort Ale, take care of my four-year old, keep things running around the house, fulfill my church calling and take care of myself and my baby.

Heavenly Father has truly given me strength to overcome these tough times but honestly I'm hoping (and praying) for a little break. Just this time.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Lazy Tuesday

How was your Memorial day? Some friends from our ward invited us over for a barbecue. It was fun. We ate delicious Brazilian food and chatted all day. Since tomorrow we are all returning to our normal activities - school, work, etc - today we just hung out around the house and enjoyed our last free day. We played, swam and had pizza for lunch.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Ophthalmologist Visit

A couple of months ago we noticed a little bump on her right eyelid. We talked to her pediatrician and she said it might be stye and eventually it would go away. We just needed to apply warm cloth for about two weeks, which we did but unfortunately it didn't go away.

So, yesterday we took Giovi to see an ophthalmologist. It turns out she has stye. The doctor prescribed an eye drop, and we are hoping it will help, otherwise the bump will need to be removed.

Also, the doctor showed us Giovanna's left eye is crossing every time she looks far up. She said it isn't reason for concern. We talked about surgery to fix it but she highly not recommend it since it may compromise her central vision that is perfect. But she wants to watch it closely every six months.

I can't believe how many times we had to take Giovi to the doctor this year! Actually, this year has been really hard on our family with lots of trials, challenges, and sicknesses. But Heavenly Father has given me incredible strength to pass through these storms, specially now I am pregnant and so emotional about everything.

I'm trying to focus on what Heavenly Father wants me to learn from all this and I hope not to disappoint Him. I'm trying to be happy despite all these challenging moments. And I know I can. For myself, my family and for this little one who's on her way.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Jesus in a Cruz

Giovanna is four and she loves all stories about Jesus. Actually, she loves Jesus. She thinks He is pretty cool. Last Easter we taught her about His atonement and resurrection (as we do every Easter time). After that, pretty much every week after Family Home Evening she asks to watch "Jesus in a Cruz".

I let her watched to it once or twice, than I didn't anymore. It's a sad and intense story, specially for a little girl. But I still wanted to nurture her love and interest for the atonement of Jesus Christ. So now every time she asks, we read her an Easter illustrated book.

She keeps amazing me with her choices and spirituality. I couldn't be more proud!
She is a blessing and an example in our lives, and I'm so grateful for being her mama.

I love you my princesa!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Rainy Days

We've been stuck at home lately because simply it doesn't stop raining. We even missed the Living Traditions we go to every year.

Last week while rain was pouring outside, we kept ourselves warm and nice under the blankets, watching movies, eating popcorn and playing games. But at some point we were too bored and just decided to go outside and play in the rain.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Gift from God

On the toughest days of my life I look at her sweet smile,
I listen to her loving words and I feel her soft touch.
My days turn shine bright.

This is Giovanna. And she is my gift from God.

Have a beautiful weekend!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

25 Week Visit

Pregnancy is progressing well.
Today I took the glucose test and we talked a little bit about the baby deliver.
It seems the healthier way to bring my beautiful girl into this world would be through a C-section, because of my previous pregnancy experience. I confess I was looking for a vaginal delivery.

Although I am felling a little disappointed, my OB was really understanding and thoughtful. He told us all we could do to make my experience more 'natural' as possible, and I got off the hospital feeling much more confident and happy.

I am so excited to finally have my little princess in my arms!

Look how cute and perfect she is:

We also took Giovanna to the doctor yesterday. How big was our surprise when the doctor said she had a severe ear infection (again)! She is such a wonderful girl. Although she's been not acting quite herself these past days, she's been so happy and good.

I love her so much, and I feel blessed and honored for being her mama.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Doctor's Appointment

Today this beautiful girl is going to the doctor.

 We've noticed she is no listening very good. We have to repeat the same thing several times until she understands what we are saying. We also want to talk to her doctor about cramps, colds and allergies she's been having lately.

But even with all these awful symptoms she's still such a happy little girl.
Love her to pieces!

Friday, May 8, 2015

Peace in our home

Today was a good day. We did some cleaning, played and watched a movie as a family and had dinner at a Brazilian restaurant. (Have you ever been to Braza Grill Steakhouse?)

Sometimes we go through rough days. But sometimes we get to have those moments of peace.
Thanks goodness.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Peppa Pig

We are all excited for our baby arrival. I started to open the totes where I keep Giovanna's clothes, shoes and other baby stuff, from when she was a baby. I'm glad I saved them all.

Grandma Zette is coming to spend a couple of months with us and as always she is bringing a lot of gifts to spoil the kids. Besides Giovanna's quilted bedding set my mom made, she also sewed the cutest bath towel for our baby girl (she still doesn't have a name).

How darling is that?

Thanks, mom! You are the best!
I can't wait to see you! I miss you so very much!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Enduring to the end

Today we drop off Giovanna at school and we headed to Oquirrh Mountain Utah temple to do baptism for Ale's deceased family. I love going to the temple. I feel peace and secure. I feel closer to my Heavenly Father and His Kingdom.

Sometimes it's easy for me to feel discouraged and frustrated with my problems and with things that seem never happen and the blessings that seem never come. It's easier to blame and complain instead of believe and endure.

Going to the temple makes me stronger. It makes me a better believer and a better daughter of God.

Frustration and disappointments don't just fade away. It takes time. It takes a healing process. But it is possible. In hard times I always picture this image in my mind:

When I think my prayers are not being answered and my needs are being totally ignored, I think Heavenly Father, who knows better, is preparing something much bigger, much better for me. He is just waiting for the right time.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Masonic Temple

This past Saturday we went to the Masonic Temple open house in downtown Salt Lake.
They opened their doors for a few hours and let us go through all rooms. Some mason volunteers were available to promptly answer any questions. It was a really interesting afternoon.

On our way back we got a flat tire and we had to spend money in two new tires (bad timing). Other than that I'm still recovering from a bad cold - coughing like crazy - and hoping for better days ahead. 

I wish you a wonderful week. 
For all of us!